What You Need To Know About Whiteboard Animations

Edward Miles
Digital Solutions
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2021


Whiteboard animations will play a vital role in business branding in 2021. Whiteboard videos are produced higher in quantity for marketing purposes. We have all experienced and came across advertising strategies. A whiteboard animation delivers a short, concise, and informative message to the targeted audience while making it fun and a reasonable price tag for brands to pay.

With a professional video production company producing your whiteboard animations. Your brand can achieve the following,

Generate more leads.
Create a vast audience.
Higher sales conversions.

A whiteboard video is productive for business branding as buyers want to know what they are getting into. We will provide you with helpful tips on how powerful a video can play its part in branding strategy.

What You Need To Know About Whiteboard Animations

1- Whiteboard videos create a connection between company and communication

An accomplished branding demands the brands to connect with their targeted audience and provide them with a reason to know about their business, apart from the immense benefits of their products. Whiteboard video maker helps deliver your business’s exact prospects through visually appealing logos and themes. A great video can let your potential customers be interested in your company and products. All you have to do is produce whiteboard animation videos that click your audience's interest.

2- Distinguish products through whiteboard videos

By the end, your whiteboard animation will give your potential audience a definite reason to purchase from you. It solely means to differentiate your brand from the competition. When your target audience sees your product through exciting and engaging videos, it will boost your user buying decision. Whiteboard animation has a smooth voice-over which can optimize and explain your products and services better.

3- Whiteboard videos enlightens credibility

The center of branding is putting your credibility and trust on the front. In this spirit, your brand reputation is formed on the promises made and delivered. Whiteboard videos educate your users about your value and prospects. When they see a series of whiteboard animations from you, a trust is developed, which influences the purchasing decision.

4- Videos supports in creating brand awareness

One way or another, the core purpose of branding is to dominate the market; however, that is not the practice aim for all businesses. Brand awareness brings sales and makes selling easier. A whiteboard video is productive in creating the connection between the content and the brand. This form of content brings assurance to potential clients for noticing your business and conveying your core objectives to the audience.

5- Videos boost purchasing decision

Branding done in the right way spreads the word effectively among your target audience. Whiteboard animations boost the brand's interest, creates confidence, and encourage potential customers to make a purchase. When a customer can see your product benefits and your brand values, it is easier to decide. This is how effective marketing is with a whiteboard animated video.

Whiteboard videos offer vulnerable functions to business marketing campaigns. However, one of the significant roles is branding. Your brand is your business calling card and what you display is how your audience looks at you. If you want to deliver specific messages, then whiteboard videos should be your ultimate choice.

Videos boost purchasing decision

How do illustrations help in whiteboard videos?
The Objective of Illustrations in the Whiteboard Video Creation Process

We all are already familiar with the concept of a whiteboard animation video. A manual hand draws illustrations and explains a product or an idea. The video explains step by step as the hand draws the portraits. A voice-over follows the drawing and tells the users about the product or the overall concept. This powerful technique may seem immature at first, but this is how users are giving attention. No users want to listen to how good a product is or how reasonable the price is. What they want to know is how effective that product is for the user’s life? These videos are bringing higher revenues for businesses and presenting vital information regarding the company. The benefits of a whiteboard animation video are the following,

Illustrations support to convey complicated ideas and procedures

For a minute, let’s assume that “I” am selling very dry and dull software. It helps in reducing the workload for the excel sheet. However, how would I bring the attention of users to me? Through a whiteboard animation video. That’s right. With a voice-over or background music, a human hand drawing engaging illustrations and a suitable theme can help me get unwanted attention from my target audience. Who wants to know about my software? Nobody but everyone wants to see an eye-catching and attention-grabbing video. Illustration supports delivering a complicated idea and simplifies procedures. If my software has complex methods, the whiteboard animation will make it easier in understanding.

Visuals present a more precise idea

If we compare a product description with a whiteboard animation video, then visuals will win over the written description. No matter how nicely it is written, users want to visually see the product and hear the voice to know what it is about. With the busier routines, the attention span has decreased to five seconds. A user stays on a posting for five seconds or a website, and this is the chance for the brand to grab the user’s attention. It can be effectively done with whiteboard animation videos. You must have heard about the example, “a picture speaks a thousand words”, imagine how many words can a video deliver? This is why visuals win over a potential customer and provides a clear idea from the brand.

Shareable Content

All whiteboard videos are shareable content and are enjoyed over social media. Visual content that has humor is shared among potential customers network that would want to know about your brand at one point. There are multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat, LinkedIn and, Twitter, and many more. These engaging apps are known for sharing content within your network. If your video is interesting, it might go viral, and a million audiences from around the globe can watch your video. Excellent exposure to your content will boost SEO- search engine optimization for your brand.

Illustrations work well for branding
A successful establishment of a brand has successfully marketed and displayed its products to the right audience. A whiteboard animation ensures to make this approach an accomplishment. Whiteboard videos make it possible to display your products and services in the right way. A business can also introduce its employees and show off its company culture for dropping the right impression. A trustworthy branding is built when a business can show its team and the way it works.

The Verdict
Visuals play a vital role, and whiteboard videos are an effective source to do this. The most significant factor is to engage your audience and deliver your business message. If you are not using whiteboard animation or any other content formats, it is time to start thinking about getting one. Businesses of all sizes and specifications need to display their whiteboard animation videos to be a step ahead in the industry.



Edward Miles
Digital Solutions

Edward Miles is a marketing enthusiast and technical writer associated with Servetel, a prominent cloud telephony service provider.