How will digital marketing change in 2021:

Job Amwomah
Digital Speaks
Published in
9 min readApr 3, 2021
Fabio- Unsplash

In the world of tech, every business owner, big or small, should have a clue on how to grow their audience base.

Expanding your audience base enlarges your marketing footprint and give a huge payback.

Many small businesses often overlook the need for digital marketing, citing the unfounded claim that digital space is an exclusion for big enterprises and not for them, but this is not true.

People will always turn to search engines for help no matter what they are looking for.

To better place your business for fair competition, you need a solid digital marketing campaign. Search engine optimization plays a critical role in this.

Over time, digital marketing has grown tremendously. The growth has given rise to numerous channels through which you can run your digital business campaigns. With many strategies at your disposal, it is good to do your homework in identifying the best fit for your business. Of which, SEO is markedly the best alternative.

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

Rami Al-zayat- Unsplash

Let us assume you are searching for the best gaming laptop below $100. After keying your keywords and initiating a search query, you likely click or pick an item on the first page of your search result.

What does this tell you about the nature of the internet? People subconsciously chose items on the first page. Research has it that over 25% of people click the first search results and a whopping 75% will not go beyond the first page.

It then means, to get a click and subsequent conversions, you need to fight for the first slots on the search result page. The process of enhancing the visibility of a webpage is what we refer to as search engine optimization (SEO). SEO can feel intimidating for businesses that are just starting it out in digital marketing or those who have just established their websites.

However, it doesn’t have to be.

And if you have some knowledge under your belt, it can be an advantage on your side, but the SEO landscape, like most technologies, is not static.

Visit our Digital Marketing Strategy Agency in Ontario website for marketing training modules to enhance your skills.

In addition to SEO skills, we offer technical help in digital marketing and email marketing. Our mission is to transform social media, email and digital marketing landscapes.

So, how does SEO marketing work?

Aziz Acharki

SEO marketing is a process for optimizing your website to attract unpaid traffic from search engines. It involves initiating changes to your content and website design to make it more attractive to search engines. SEO can be a complex idea for first-time learners. If you are encountering the term for SEO for the first time or have no clue what it is all about, I will recommend an expert’s help.

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How it works

Essentially search engines want to provide the best user experience for the users. To achieve this, the engines crawl and scan through websites:

  • To help them understand what the websites are about and
  • To help them deliver accurate and more relevant results to respective users.
  • The engine also scans the websites for readability and ease of use
  • And reward ‘user friendly’ an upper hand on search results.

Website design and great content contribute significantly to the relevance of any webpage. So, by creating more engaging and SEO focuses content, you increase your chances of getting noticed.

What does it take to make SEO successful?

Now that we have defined and exemplified how SEO works, perhaps it is appropriate to look at what it takes to be successful at SEO.

Yes, SEO works when we follow the correct procedure and implementation plan. With this, anyone can get the required result.

But what is this that you must do in your implementation plan?

Search engines do not share details about how their algorithms work to ran sites. But even with this, we do have a pretty understanding of how search engine ranking works.

  • Content marketing on-page and Off-page SEO optimization are critical factors to be considered.

However, considering their complexities, we will not venture into their nitty-gritty details. I have summarised the processes involved into the following quick read points.

To make SEO successful, you need to:

  • First, understand what your prospective customers are looking for: — It is the only way you will establish the right keywords to tune your content and descriptions.
  • Link your website to others: You will only achieve this if you create content that adds value to other users in your niche.
  • Track your website activities: how are you going to measure progress if you do not measure results? Have a website tracking tool. It will help you do an audit and determine areas that need improvement.

These are the essential SEO tips that all website owners need to learn. Alternatively, at our Digital Marketing Company in Ontario, we offer Real-world experiences in a digital age.

Get to learn more about what is needed and how to implement it from our onsite home page.

Quality content should meet the following criteria:

  • It should be helpful: Meaning it should be relevant to the end-user
  • It should be credible: Point to the fact that your content and site should show sign of authority and trust
  • It should be desirable: It should be appealing to the eye
  • It should be accessible and lastly
  • It should be easy to use: It should be easy to navigate.

In short, researching and coming up with quality content that adds value to your visitors is mandatory and requires an investment.

You can do it on your own, which takes time, or you can choose to use money by hiring a digital marketing agency to create content for you.

Have search engines changed how they rank in 2021?

Millions of internet users post billions of posts every other day. With billions and millions of posts published online, it tough to stand out from the crowd. But even with the challenge, you have to if you intend to make a meaningful impact in your digital marketing strategy.

SEO comes in handy. You could have the most excellent website and excellent content, but you will fail in your endeavor without SEO. So far, we have seen that search engines work on an algorithm that ensures that only high-quality, optimized pages rank high.

SEO is the only organic magic that can get you on top of the Search engine pages.

So, what exactly has changed in 2021?

Now that we have the general image of what SEO is all about. I will look at what is new in the field this year. Are there new tricks? Have the search engines changed how they rank in 2021?

How search engine ranking works has relatively remained the same over time. However, it should not be an excuse to sideline the technological advances affecting SEO yearly.

Google just announced its algorithm updates that will take effect this March or May. It is important to familiarise oneself with these changes and prepare for the impact they cause on your business. So, how can digital marketing add value to your business?

Here are the critical most outstanding search engine optimization trends and changes in 2021.

Direct changes affecting search engines

Souvik Banerjee

Page experience is going to affect the ranking.

Page experience is usually about how visitors interact with a web page.

Google measures page experience on a number of factors, including HTTPS, safe browsing, and mobile-friendliness. Even though the idea of page experience is not new in SEO, google seeks to introduce what they describe as core web vitals into it.

The core web vitals will include a web page experience metric: largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.

The three will measure the loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. A high score will mean a high page experience and subsequently will increase a site’s chance of getting noticed by the Search engines.

Mobile-first indexing.

Google has been using this feature for the last several years. Google has been rolling out the feature in its effort to moving to a mobile-first indexing scheme.

The final feature came out this March. This will have an impact on the way websites rank.

To be on the safer side, give the following guideline for a stable transition:

  • Ensure that your web content is accessible and visible by google boot and crawlers
  • Fill out all relevant meta tags for both mobile and desktop versions of your website.

What is more? Voice search is gaining prominence. Google is trying to introduce Microdata and snippets. UX SEO is gaining a new definition. Lastly, the internet is continuously moving from textual to non-textual content.

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Transform your business with SEO digital marketing.

Credit: Stephen Dawson

In today’s web-based market, search engine optimization (SEO) ranks high as the most effective, most convenient, and cost-effective way of driving traffic to websites and gaining traction on the prospective audience.

For businesses with limited budgets, SEO comes in handy when facing competition from well-established brands out there. SEO allows you to structure your websites and other marketing platforms to build traffic via organic search instead of paid traffic available through advertisement.

Benefits of search engine optimization for your business

To most people, SEO marketing is never an afterthought. It is the building block on which all sustainable businesses are built.

There is simply no business and particularly online business, that can do without search engine optimization. Of what essence is it to create a website or run social media campaigns without traffic generation?

Everything starts with SEO. In particular, SEO can help transform your business because:

  • It enables you to drive quality traffic
  • It helps your business get more exposure/ visibility
  • SEO makes it easier to attract and convert potential visitors
  • It is considered a relatively stable marketing strategy with this; you get the assurance of more clicks
  • It is relatively cheaper when compared to other marketing strategies

SEO is an inbound marketing strategy; unlike outbound strategies that reach out to prospects whether they want it or not, SEO is designed to make you access when needed.

Once you create a page that search engines consider worthy of directing users to, you can certainly be assured of traffic.

It is, however, not usually the case. SEO is often all about improving user experiences. This means that besides a sparkling design, site speed, and mobile-friendliness, search engines are always on the lookout for quality content.

Ways search engine optimization digital marketing can transform businesses.

New customers: SEO goes beyond traditional search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the rest. It extends into social media platforms and mini search engines such as YouTube.

A cumulative and effective SEO service then translates to a broader audience and a higher conversion rate than other mediums. Typically, traditional marketing sees a conversion rate of 1.7 percent, while Search engine optimization leads with more than 14.6 percent conversion.

What most people do not pay attention to or ignore paid ads: many people perceive ads as distractors and tend to assume them anyway. That implies that you stand chances of receiving clicks if the website shows up on the first-page internet search query.

How can social media be used in conjunction with driving traffic to your site?
Most people tend to forget the critical link between social media and SEO. Incorporating and adding your social media channel to your website adds value to your lead generation exponentially.

Every time you post and people like share, retweet, or comment, google takes notice. Subsequently, as your ranking rise, more exposure comes on the way, which translates to more conversions.

In summary, in this piece, we have talked about search engine optimization and how it can help you expand your audience base. Do you have an SEO strategy for your business? What is your experience with SEO?

Our Digital Marketing Company in Ontario combines technical skills with creative digital marketing and email marketing and engaging content skills.

We work with businesses of all sizes. Please share your experience with us at We are also willing to help with any technicalities.



Job Amwomah
Digital Speaks

Reading and writing are my life. I have specific expertise in proofreading, editing, and creative writing. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.