3 Habits you must develop.

Harshan Suraj
Digital Storytelling & Content Creation
5 min readJul 29, 2021

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. — Will Durant.

Habit is a regular practice that a person has become used to. It can be a simple behavior, an attitude that practiced over a long period of time and then it has become an inseparable part of ones’ personality. Habits can affect our life positively or negatively.Therefore we have to be careful of our habits.

As human beings we are more interested and pleasure generates when continuing negative habits. Because of that, it’s easy to fall into more and more negative habits. But when it comes to cultivating positive habits, Yes, at first it takes so much energy, it needs so much effort, then at the end, you will be saying, it is worth the effort. As I said earlier it is really hard to cultivate positive habits but if you can push daily, positive habits gradually lift up your life.

According to scientific researches it has been found that it will take 21- 28 days to develop a new habit in our lives. There are many self-improving habits that lead you to success from those, here I have mention three powerful success habits that you can cultivate in your life.

01) Pro- activeness

Pro-activeness is all about yourself awareness forward vision and responsibility towards your success and long term orientation of your life. Proactive person should not consider his moods and emotions but should focus on his principles and how to face a situation. Pro-activeness is not being aggressive and assertive. Pro-activeness cannot be activated with by force. It can be achieved through following an agenda wisely and skillfully. In order to build up pro-activeness as a skill or as a habit one must do the things at the right time according to a time table.

Most of the people in the world waiting to fall into the bottom of the life to think about being Proactive. If you want to become a proactive person the one practice that you should ignore is waiting until something good happens.

If you waiting for something good happen then automatically you might waste your time for nothing. There is no such a person have achieved something in their lives without an effort.

Therefore becoming Proactive means maintaining an aggressive goal oriented attitude rather than maintaining defensive and reactive attitude. be ready next time, in your works you are not going to be a Firefighter.

02) Punctuality.

You should know about punctuality with our day to day activities such as going to work early, arriving at locations of appointments on time, keeping to meetings timings and waking up early to face your daily challenges etc. Until you have decided what you want to achieve by being on time, punctuality will do you no good.

Therefore in order to get the maximum use of punctuality it should be linked with your goals. The spirit of punctuality applied when you start pursuing you are goal on time and you will also achieve at your goal early. It is really that simple, early you start are early you finish.

In order to improve and to empower your punctuality habit the first thing that you should do is planning your day. It can be in the evening of every day, it can be at the night of every day you should anticipate the next day’s activities and should plan according to a time.

When developing time schedule you might don’t have time for every activity in your life since we have limited time. But what you can do is you can prioritize the works which are most valuable for your life. Any it is totally subjective.

Punctuality not only succeeds your life but also so it helps to build a positive perception in others mind since you work on time responsibly. And also punctual person always gets the first attention.

Therefore if you can build punctuality as a habit I’m pretty sure before you know success will be the knocking at your door.

03) Self-motivation.

There is no debate that motivated person can achieve more than a demotivated person. So motivation as self motivation is very much important for an individual to be succeed.

Imagine how much success can be achieved by a person who is self motivated. The main feature of a self motivated person is that he or she is embracing challenges, changes and obstacles in the life more effectively.

Don’t wait until someone motivates you because you are the creator of your life. So no one can motivate you other than yourself. They might motivate you for short period of time but that motivation is not sustainable.

The greatest secret and the driving force behind self motivation is a strong reason.

For example let’s assume that they are two students who are facing for an exam. To check who is going to be pass the exam, let’s ask a basic question like “why do you need to pass this exam?”

1st student is saying that “ I want to pass the exam because my parents are telling me to pass the exam.”

2nd student is saying that “I want to pass the exam because I really like to do a decent job with an attractive salary, and I want to treat my parents in the future when they get old.”

So from these two students who’s having the best self — motivation to pass the exam?

Yes, It is obvious - The 2nd student, why? Because he has a strong reason and that reason ignites him to be self motivated.

Therefore having a strong reason is the best way to energize and to improve yourself motivation towards achieving your goals. In this context it is evident that self motivation is one of the best habit that you can cultivate in order to achieve success in your life.

With this you can clearly see that Pro-activeness, Punctuality and Self — Motivation are valuable habits that people can cultivate in their lives. As I mentioned earlier, starting to cultivate a habit is challenging but when you can keep pushing, you will eventually improve your life.

Remember this, In order to create a habit in your life you have to practice it continuously for 21–28 days. Then it becomes your innate nature, you will do it unconsciously with an ease.

So why are you waiting? Just give it a shot.

