Challenge of Covid — 19 ; On Undergraduates.

Harshan Suraj
Digital Storytelling & Content Creation
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Interviewee — Undergraduate Mr. Amila Udayanga

Time — 5.00pm

Hi Amila welcome to the interview series and How are you?

Doing good

so can you tell me something about your self?

Well.. Basically I’m an undergraduate of Uva Wellassa University, reading for my bachelors in Management. And like to be busy with different tasks

So you are a Undergraduate, what are you studying and what are your interests?

As said before I’m studying management so within the management discipline I learn Entrepreneurship,Marketing, HR and so on.

My interests are totally different from my field of study, coz I love dancing, Acting, Swimming, Photography, Cooking and many other things. But also I love to teach what I know for people who need

Now it is Covid 19 here, let’s rewind to the past, How lectures were conducted, I mean before pandemic?

It was better. My friends and myself physically attended to the lecture and it was more interactive and beneficial for all of us

well that’s interesting, would you elaborate more about the environment of learning system before this pandemic?

Well. It was quite good. because we lived in Badulla those days. Nature is a considerable factor when it’s come to the education therefore we felt comfortable with the natural environment. When talk about the leaning environment lecture hall facilities, lecture schedules, materials and all I can’t say we had everything perfect but up to some extent it was better

Now let us get in to the real topic, How corona pandemic affected you as a Undergraduate ?

Actually yes it affected all of us without any boundaries or limit. But I have different perspectives because for the good side what actually happened I could be able to be with family’ and engaging with technology, online learning and all those thing I am experiencing and learning. But as disadvantages I can see social isolation, technological issues, social issues ect. Are increasing day by day. So as an individual I also prefer to enjoy and engage with social activities and to have my dancing practice sessions physically but due to this reason it is restricted

Alright what are the biggest Threats and challenges that you face right now, as a Undergraduate?

Biggest challenge is right now I could say, I have to do a research and need to have a industrial training so both have to be performed totally different than earlier with current situation

Well how are you managing your challenges in this tough time?

I am searching and learning more how to do it online and which kind of alternatives that I have to get rid of these challenges

What are the opportunities that you are having in this pandemic situation as a undergraduate?

Actually, online workshops, career guidance sessions, online jobs, are some of them

What is your biggest motivation as a undergraduate in this challenging time?

To be graduated actually ( laughing)

Alright now the final question, what is the greatest advice that you give to a undergraduate who is struggling in this pandemic time?

Do what you need to do without waiting time and get advantage from any situation even the situation is like this

Now we have reached to the end of our interview. so today young Undergraduate Mr. Amila Udayanga one of my best friend has joined with me to share his experience on challenge of Covid 19, So I’m really grateful for your participation. I wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Thank you very much indeed.

Thank you so much for having me today Suraj.

Summary ;

As undergraduates corona pandemic is challenging very much. Physical learning environment is a severe loss. Research activities are the main challenge, since it need the physical setting to learn and conduct. Biggest motivation is to graduate without spending long academic years. online workshops, career guidance sessions, online jobs are opportunities in this pandemic. Mr. Amilas’ greatest advice for a undergraduate who is struggling in this pandemic is “Do what you need to do without waiting time and get advantage from any situation even the situation is like this”

