
Got Motivation, But never saw a Victory ? Here’s why

You can have Results or Excuses, not Both. You will never always be motivated. You have to learn to be disciplined. Let’s say that I want to get into shape. So What I do ? I go to the gym, I get a gym membership, right ? I go to the local shops and buy all my gym gear. I am Motivated ; I am Inspired ; I am going to the damn gym. I go to YouTube and I subscribe to all of the fitness channels ; I go to Instagram and I follow all of the fitness models. I’m Motivated, I’m going to the damn gym, I’m going to get in shape. That’s what you are also going to do.

People you’re following on YouTube have been working on for a minimum of five years to look like that. so you have the incorrect understanding, that after a month of working out you’re gonna look like them. so what happens in the first month, you’re excited, you go to gym every single month, you know and you take the pains and your body is sore but you know I’m excited, I’m going to the gym. then life happens. company doesn’t make money, you don’t make your targets you fall a bit ill, something happens and all of a sudden. you stop going to gym for a day, a day becomes two, two becomes a week. now all of a sudden, you’ve had a gym membership for three months and you haven’t been in that time.

What did you miss ? you thought motivation was the formula. winners don’t need motivation Winners need discipline. disciplines about getting it done because it needs to get done, not Because I feel like it, not because I’m motivated for it. you think nelson Mandela is motivated to spend 27 years in prison ? do you think martin Luther king was motivated to march across the states and proclaim freedom ? you know if you look at people to change the world, they’re not doing it because they’re motivated. they’re doing it because they made a commitment to do and they were disciplined to see it through. discipline is far more important than motivation which is why you’ve got to be careful the decisions you make, because Once you make the decision you have to see that decision through.

First we make the decisions then the decisions make us. so you’ve got to be very careful the decisions you make, be very careful the commitments you Make. Motivation, I’m telling you now, is completely overrated. it’s important, don’t get me wrong. you know we meet according to motivation, we feel good, but that’ll fade. you need a stronger will and a deeper commitment to see things Through.

Discipline is like a set of magic keys that unlocks all the doors of wealth, happiness, culture, high self-esteem, pride, joy, accomplishment, satisfaction and Success. The first key to discipline is awareness of the need for, and the value of Discipline and especially the discipline to make the changes. What will it take, what must I do and what must I become to get all I want from my life ?

The second key is the willingness, more than that the eagerness, to maintain your new discipline deliberately, wisely, consistently. and the third key to discipline is the commitment to master the Circumstances of your daily life. to see and harness the opportunities to make something of the sun and the rain. the good as well as what comes in the guise of misfortune. discipline does many things but most important of all is what it does for you. It makes you feel better about yourself. even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude, and the good feeling you get that surging feeling of self-worth that comes from starting a new discipline is almost as good as the feeling that comes from the accomplishment of the discipline.

Second, a new discipline immediately alters your life direction. you don’t change destinations immediately. that is yet to come, but you can change direction immediately. And direction is very important. Third, discipline cooperates with nature, everything strives, it is a common life function. how tall will a tree grow, as tall as it can. everything strives to become all it can possibly be. and that striving to become is what discipline is all about. disciplining ourselves to fulfill our natural potential, to become all that we can be. and finally, discipline attracts opportunity. opportunity is always looking for ambition and skill in action. discipline taps the unlimited power of commitment. the human will in action, driven by inspiration, enticed by desire, tempered by reason, guided by intelligence can bring you to that high and lofty place called the good life. so start the new process. you can begin a new habit, no matter how small it is. small, isn’t Important whether or not you start and whether or not you continue, are all that is important.

So, to have a prosperous life, start a prosperity plan. to become wealthy, start a wealth plan. Remember you don’t have to be wealthy to have a wealth plan. a person with no means can have a rich plan. If you are ill, start a health plan. if you don’t have energy start an energy Plan. If you don’t feel good, start a feel-good plan. if you’re not smart, start a smart plan. If you can’t, start a can plan. If you haven’t, start a have plan. anyone can, even a bad person can start hearing good messages and reading good books. recognize that the start of the better life, the happy life, the wealthy life is today. This is exciting. Both the process and the result can begin today. start the new journey today.

If you think of a new idea, today is the day, to begin the discipline of putting that idea into action. set this day up as a long, busy, exciting start for your new life. get your first book for your new library today. begin your new practice of setting goals Today. start clearing out a drawer of your new orderly desk today. start eating an apple a day on your new health plan today. put some money in your new investment for a fortune account Today. start reading with intensity for your new wealth of mind plan today. write a postponed letter today. make a delayed telephone call today. pick up your camera and take a picture of something to start your new treasury of photographs today. get some momentum going on your new commitment to the better life. see how many activities you can pile on in this first day. go all out, break away from the negative downward pull of gravity. start the thrusters going, prove to yourself that waiting is over hoping is past and that faith and action have now taken charge. It’s a new day, a new beginning for your new life. with discipline you can’t believe the list of positive moves you can make in the first day of your new beginning.

