Few things Men have to know about women

Who is exactly a woman?

Starting from birth ending from death, her life is always a challenge. A woman will be once a daughter, once a sister, once a student, once a lovely girlfriend, a wife a mother, and finally a grandmother. In all of these roles, she has different responsibilities to fulfill.

10 things men have to know about women?

  1. Women need an equal place as men. Because there’s nothing called, “ Women can’t do what men do”.
  2. Your mother always likes to have love and respect from you. At least help her with small things. Her smile will be a blessing for you.
  3. If you have a sister, a sister likes the fact that brothers care for them. Fight with her but be there on times she wants you.
  4. If you have a girlfriend, a girl likes to love and care, especially being loyal to her. And the secret thing is when she is moody, she will never say that she is moody. ( Where men will confused )
  5. If you have a wife, Love her every day. She likes being admired. Bring flowers to her after every tired day of her. Her smile is warm and will heal the family.
  6. If you have a daughter, listen to her. Don’t frame her abilities to one point which you like. Let her enhance her abilities and personality and motivate her.
  7. If you have a grandmother, care about her needs. she might be the person who helped your parents to raise you. Give her respect, love, and care.
  8. Treat every woman with respect. Don’t misjudge, humiliate or misuse women for fun.
  9. Help women in need. Protect the dignity and the lives of women.
  10. Silent women will be the ones who bear all the stress by themselves.

5 things Women do but men sometimes don't notice.

  1. Women will care about every tiny fact in their loving person ( maybe husband or boyfriend ). And sometimes they expect it back from you.
  2. Even the housewives are also working 24/7h. Now you will ask how? Look around your house and see how clean it is. Is there any dirty cloth remaining in the used clothes basket? No right. She is making food, arranging home, washing clothes, and take care of kids too. Admit that she is a hard worker.
  3. Women work hard in the job. Women do their duties perfectly and can be given any responsibility.
  4. Women will have many duties and responsibilities, but her family will be number one on her priority list.
  5. Women will smile and be very funny people but inside there will be a story not known.

10 difficulties women face in daily life?

  1. Sexual harassment
  2. Misjudging
  3. Domestic harassment
  4. Gender threats in education and employment
  5. Not receiving equality and equality rights
  6. Insecurities
  7. Mentally down
  8. Food problems
  9. Being cheated
  10. Raising children alone

How to find a loyal lovely girl before you get into a relationship?

A faithful girl never tries to show off anything when she is loving.

She will be always standing for truth.

She will be helping you in the path of success no matter what.

She will never raise her voice badly

She will be patient, kind, and very understandable.

She will be not after money and will not be begging for expensive gifts.

She will always share the day with you telling you every tiny thing that happened.

She will be jealous when you are communicating with other women

She will be smiling at you and will see you as the most handsome person in the world.

She will never give up on you

At last, I must say a woman is like a book. The book can be read and review as the reader wanted. Women will be a beautiful story inside the solid sentences. Treat her like a princess then she will treat you like a prince. Respect women all the time. They are going through many struggles where men can’t even imagine the pain. The world will be a warm happy place when women smile and live happily, freely spreading love, kindness, and care.

