Never-ending Life Story

starting from the birth of an individual until death happens humans face a story acted on the stage of life. In this story of life, the most exciting stage is youth. I choose two leading young personalities on my friend list for a small interview to review their lives then, now, and the future.

I used few questions to review their personalities. They are as follows.

1. Tell me about yourself in brief?

2. Tell me about your childhood? What was the best part?

3. What is your profession and why did you choose that path?

4.What is the happiest moment of your life?

5. Tell me about the moments when you were about to give up? How did you come over it?

6. Who is the love of your life? If you like tell his/her name? tell me why did you get interested in your love at the very begging?

7. Who is the most influential person in your life?

8. Are satisfied with your life now?

9. What do you value most and why?

10. Do you have faith in yourself?

The two personalities which I chose for this interview was,

  1. Hasali Perera
  2. Savindi Mihirangi

Hasali Perera

Name: Mithma Hasali Perera

Age: 23

Living area : Kurunegala

School : Maliyadeve Balika Vidyalaya

University: University of Moratuwa

Special skills: Speaking, Mathematics, Data Science, and business studies.

Family: Father, Mother, Brother

She was a little cry baby when she was little, but she had made many memories with her friends. That is why her whole childhood had become the best part of her entire life.

Going deep into the pathway of her studies, she is a business analytic student which does the data science section. She does not want to be a typical technical student because she wants to try out something new more than technical which moves with people. And she loves the fact that her degree program is not only framed for business studies but for computer programming skills too. She is a great speaker in university, even in the Gavel club of the University of Moratuwa.

Although she is spending a happy life, she also had some situations where she was about to give up, especially in speaking. She had not tried speaking before until she went to university. When she wrote her first speech, she thought of giving it up too. Her opinion on giving up is very important to everyone. That is,

“ When we die, we don’t have to keep regrets of not doing things we wanted, even it fails more important thing is trying out. ”

About her relationship status, her explanation was complicated. She had got an interest in him because he has good confidence in doing things. And the most influential person in her life is her mother.

At last, talking about her life satisfaction, her genuine answer was she is not satisfied in her life. Because she has a lot to do and is still on the way to satisfaction. Although she is satisfied with the things she had done until now, she is still growing. She values people around her more than anything.

That was a great interview with my best friend, Hasali Perera. I added some ideas and lessons into my life too.

Savindi Mihirangi

Name : Savindi Mihirangi Kalyanapriya

Age: 21

School: Ferguson High school

Living Area: Rathnapura

University: General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University

Special skills: Dancing, computing

Family: Father, mother, sister, brother

Talking about childhood, her favorite time is grade 7 to 10. it’s because she had started dancing during that time. Her favorite hobby had become dancing. She had spent most of her time inside the dancing room. She is missing her time with relations.

She had chosen her career since she was little. She is doing a computer engineering degree. That is because in the present and future technology will be the most prominent factor in the life of humans. Her dream had been to go to the Kotelawala Defence University.

In her life, the happiest moment is the day in which the results of the ordinary level examination were given. That had been a surprise full day for her. because she had 9As, which is the highest result.

The moment she was about to give up, was asking her father to have a date with her boyfriend. It was because she was too shy to ask her father. However, she had managed to talk with his father about this matter.

The love of her life is, Buwaneka Pathum Kodikara. she liked him because of his character. He is a man who loves his family so much. Her heart has been stolen by that character of him. The most influential person in her life was also her mother. The great fact is that she is satisfied with her life. She said that sometimes she had the feeling like she is nobody. But she had managed her mind to accept everything equally and spend a peaceful life with everyone. What she values most is a good mentality. Her opinion was, without a good mentality we cannot manage anything well. And finally, she said that she is having faith in every step on her.

She gave me an innocent lesson in my life. Listening to her was very soothing and peaceful.

