Digital Storytelling Festival 2022 Opening Gala programme

Digital Storytelling Festival
4 min readApr 29, 2022

This year’s Digital Storytelling Festival — the international creative contest that brings people and cultural heritage together — is almost here.

Today we’re happy to share the programme for our Opening Gala, 10–11 May, packed with interactive workshops, practical tips and amazing cultural heritage. Register now — you won’t want to miss it!

10 May programme

(all times CEST)

10:00–10:30 Welcome & introduction

10:30–11:30 Release your inner storyteller (workshop)

The thought of sitting down at a blank page and being creative can be scary. In this practical workshop, Beth Daley will walk you through Europeana’s 7 digital storytelling tips and encourage you to have a go. Bring something to write with and get your imagination going with our writing prompts. Write in any language, any style, and have some fun.

11:30–11:45 Break / PECHA KUCHA

Gabriel Rosenstock — Poetry inspired by Cultural Heritage

Cristina Paveri — Creating a story for the first edition of the Digital Storytelling Festival

11:45–12:30 7 digital storytelling tips in action

The Europeana Communicators Community shares examples of the 7 digital storytelling tips in action in the cultural heritage sector, and encourages you to think about how you could bring them into your own work, as well as your entries for the festival.

12:30–13:00 Telling history stories with video

A Masterclass by Sannuta Raghu, Executive Producer of Scroll covering the process (and the secret recipe) of creating impactful videos. The session will also demonstrate collaborative video-storytelling taking the example of Scroll’s collaboration with DW.

13:00–14:00 Lunch break

14:00–14:45 Time to listen

Thomas Böhm from the Goethe Institute introduces Time to Listen, a collection of stories told by narrators from all genres of art, from all over the world.

14:45–15:45 Inside The Pill exhibition

Why was the birth control pill so revolutionary in the twentieth century and why has it become even more controversial today? In the expert company of Dr. Tanaya, discover how six ambitious students at KU Leuven created the online exhibition The Pill, and learn how to handle sensitive topics in your stories.

15:45–16:00 Break / PECHA KUCHA

Sofronia Maravelaki — The pictures in school books as a source of inspiration and artistic creation

Shreya Sharma — Partition of India in 1947

16:00- 16:45 DailyArt Magazine

Since 2016, DailyArt Magazine has been presenting art history stories in compelling and fun ways. Editor-in-Chief Kate Wojtczak will bring us behind the scenes and share the DailyArt story.

16:45–17:00 Closing remarks

11 May programme

(all times CEST)

10:00–10:15 Welcome and introduction to day 2

10:15–11:00 How to find great open access content

There is more freely reusable cultural heritage content today than ever before — but how do you find it? Medhavi Gandhi (The Heritage Lab) and Douglas McCarthy (Europeana) will take us on a guided tour of their favourite online resources and discover collections to inspire your next creation.

11:00–12:00 Animating culture — a GIF-making workshop

An GIF is just a seconds-long animation — or is it? GIFs can be used as storytelling tools in a few different ways. Europeana’s Aleksandra Strzelichowska will show you how to make a GIF and reach people around the world with your creation.

12:00–13:00 Lunch break

Storytelling tips by DAG Museums

13:00–14:00 Let’s make Medieval Memes (workshop)

Medieval manuscripts date back to the era before printing was invented, a time when monks, nuns and artisans used to copy and decorate manuscripts by hand, day in, day out. Join Rianne Koning and Kees Teszelszky to learn more about manuscripts, discover the history of the word ‘meme’ and combine both to create your own medieval memes.

14:00–14:45 Storytelling at Splainer with Lakshmi Choudhry

14:45–15:00 Break

15:00–15:45 Education session with Luigia Palumbo and Hannah Bloom Teskey (The Hunt Museum)

15:45- 16:30 Akcia Zet at the Slovak National Gallery

Since November 2020, the artist Marcel Mališ has been painting his authorial replica of a lost work — an undertaking which reflects our thinking about the status of the national gallery as an educational institution of today; a place of asking questions and looking for answers. Alexandra Kusa will explore this fascinating project.

16:30–16:45 Break

16:45–17:30 Inside the world of Curationist

Curationist is a collaborative global community of dynamic individuals sharing their knowledge and experiences. Content Curation Director at the MHz Foundation, Virginia Poundstone, introduces the project, in company with colleague Amanda Figueroa.

17:30–17:45 Closing remarks

Click here to register for this event.

Please note that event timings and specifics may change.



Digital Storytelling Festival

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