The Life of a Quonset Hut

Over on my website,, I put together a little story about a unique solution to a housing problem. In the 1940s, higher-ups at Colorado A&M (the future Colorado State University) and local leaders in the surrounding city of Fort Collins, Colorado decided to construct a community of Quonset Huts to house returning soldiers. What was meant to be a temporary solution resulted in longstanding marks on the local landscape: several of these semicircular buildings are still being used today.

You can explore the story at this link.

A Quonset hut being constructed. U.S. Air Force Number 57977AC. Department of Defense; Department of the Air Force, Public Domain



Kerry Ulm
Digital Storytelling Festival

Lover of museums, stories, and learning anything interesting. Me on Twitter: @andkerryulm. Me online: Me new here.