What’s for lunch today?

Although at first glance, those 17th-century Dutch still lifes could seem like decorative art, filled with some pretty images, without any deeper meaning, that couldn’t be further from the truth. They offer plenty of stories, symbolism and hidden messages for those who know how to find them.

For the Digital Storytelling Festival organised by Europeana, I have created a story dedicated to one of the most beautiful paintings from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Pieter Claesz: Still Life with a Turkey Pie from 1627.

The original story was shared on the Culture Tourist Instagram account under the highlight #DigiStoryFest. However, here are its screenshots.

Story created by Tea Gudek Snajdar, an art historian behind the Culture Tourist.



Tea Gudek Snajdar
Digital Storytelling Festival

Tea Gudek Snajdar is an art historian, blogger, writer and owner of the Culture Tourist.