Assignment: 10101

Mike Messina
Digital Studies 101
Oct 26, 2020

Here is the first tweet in my latest Twitter thread. Below are the next two tweets.

Philly is going to be huge when it comes to Joe Biden winning Pennsylvania and thus this election. While we all know that Philly is going to come out massively in favor of Joe Biden, it matters by how much. Philadelphia will be a city in PA that generate many, many, votes for him and if the votes coming out of Philly are high, then that could give the win for all of PA to Joe Biden. The swing state is a very pivotal one. Vice President Biden was born in the state and consistently has shown so much love for it. Joe Biden knows Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania knows Joe Biden.

The Sixers tweeting out this video with Common was really cool. It helps a lot with GOTV efforts. Getting folks in Philly as hyped up as possible to get out there and vote is amazing. I figured it would be a good place to start a thread talking to all of my friends in Philly about getting everyone excited. Philly turning out in mass for Joe Biden could definitely be what gives him the edge in PA and a big time help towards him winning this election.



Mike Messina
Digital Studies 101

UMW ’22. College Democrats of America National Digital Strategy and Mobilization Director. Virginia College Democrats and UMW SGA Communications Director.