Aspasia Sheppard
Digital Studies 101
3 min readJan 17, 2021


Final: Something on the Web about the Web

When I first saw the prompt for this project, I thought of documenting myself throughout the three weeks of this course watching the movies, writing the blog posts, and seeing if my opinions on the internet changed. I had no idea what Digital Studies meant or the extent of the studying that we’d do so I was curious to see if the new knowledge would affect anything. I did not keep up with this as much as I liked, I kept forgetting to do update clips so it ultimately ended up not working. Back to the drawing board!

When I started writing this post, I still had no idea what I was going to do. I decided to look back on my peers’ and my previous posts for some inspiration. What if I did my final project on the class talking about what is Digital Studies? What is the internet and why is it so important? It would be a mini presentation or brochure for new internet users to inform them about what they are getting into.

When I was browsing potential themes for this presentation, I found one for a prototyping presentation. It even had a few images of tech equipment and used clean sharp lines and shapes we often see associated with technology of the future. It’s the perfect base to start with, I just needed to figure out how I wanted to look and how much information to include. To make it cleaner, I ended up changing everything to black and white, except the blue and mint accents (I couldn’t figure out how to change the color of those). Throughout the process of filling out the slides, I made a few adjustments to the order and add some hyperlinks if someone wanted to jump around to other slides or articles.

These two photos are what the slides looked like a few minutes into the assignments and what they looked like once finished. I ended up cutting out some of the slides and a lot of the text. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to read all of that.

I ended up with 8 slides about the internet, some of the bare minimum of information to leave it up to a presenter to add to or interpret. Some slides also have comments and speaker notes with extra information or questions a presenter could include. I tried to write the speaker’s notes as if the internet was just invented and the first people getting access were those taking a tour in a company building and on that tour is a quick presentation. If they really wanted to, they could skip the actual presentation and only use speaker notes.

