Rebuild The Internet

Kelleigh Benson
Digital Studies 101
1 min readOct 13, 2019


When I think about the internet, I think of a spiraling black hole. I tried not break the rules and a do ‘spiraling black hole’ on paper, but man was it sad/lame. I really liked working this project because thinking about what the Internet meant to me was difficult. I love and hate it at the same time, so I made a pro’s & con’s list — the con’s significantly outweighing the pro’s. The con’s for me include

  1. Getting trapped in the web with YouTube, Wikipedia, Social Media, etc.
  2. How easy it is to get a virus or hacked with a simple click
  3. False information and misconceived perceptions
  4. You get it

I used After Effects to make this animation/GIF to keep repeating itself because it gives an illusion, and to me, the web is an illusion. How is it there? How are you guys reading this so easily? There are a lot of questions still, and I wanted this GIF to make you ask questions and be confused by it. I also only wanted it to be black and white because the Internet has so much information and culture to give, but most only see the underlying black and white message behind most things.




