Rebuilding The Internet

Kevin Reilly
Digital Studies 101
2 min readOct 14, 2019

The internet, at least in my point of view, is a larger-than-life network that has the ability to connect all parts of the globe simultaneously. But it’s not just one network. It’s a wide array of them that work together as one. It’s literally all around us, constantly changing in the power lines going above and underground, as well as our devices we keep on hand. The very device you’re using to read this, has the internet living inside it. But in that same sense, do we live in the internet? For some, it’s their whole life. The job could require internet, their entertainment could require internet, possibly even most of their socialization could require internet.

While the internet in and of itself is large and wide, it isn’t even that old. Only around 30 years old, the internet has grown into something that is endless and vast, with more information than anyone could ever hope to understand. However, it is and always has been the source for understanding and discovering new things, that which we may be aware of or may never have even heard of. The internet is there for us all to add to, to help it grow, and in turn help other people grow. At least to the point of learning something new. But with this knowledge, it’s important to be aware not everything is useful on the internet. Some is hateful, untrue, or maybe even dangerous. It’s crucial to know between what should and shouldn’t be trusted on the web.

What I drew isn’t very complicated or outstanding, but essentially just what I picture the internet would be if we could see it in a physical form of some sort. Literal pathways connecting people from all across the world. Going across states, countries, oceans. Nearly everyone now can learn about whatever they are interested in, and within seconds, too. My approach is that we are connected in many more ways than we may realize.

