Reimagine the Internet

Camy Delean
Digital Studies 101
1 min readNov 3, 2019

I figured I would use a little play on words to represent what I believe the internet to be, while still being festive for spooky season. I mixed literal definitions with my personal opinion to make a fun and informative piece. I drew the web on a piece of cardstock, used bits from index cards to write the uses of the internet, and paired those uses with images collage-style. At a glance, the web looks a bit crowded and chaotic, and that is exactly how the internet is. I was debating between the web idea and making a more structured conceptual map. However, this seemed the most fitting because the internet is more sporadic than it is structured. There is always something somewhere that is going on. From googling questions, to purchasing items, to interacting with friends and family, to completing school assignments. Everyone can find some sort of use in the internet and that’s what I wanted to show here. I also wanted to format it in a simple yet intriguing way so people would want to look into it, but it would still be easy to read.

