simply the internet

Simply the internet is full of connections, on connections, on connections…..this is just a small representation

When I think of the internet I think of all the main highways in America that connect to major roads that connect to back roads that then connect to neighborhood/private roads. In my freehand drawing of America the main highways are represented in a dark teal. These highways and roads represent the connection in the internet to new opportunities, ideas, creativity, activities, communication, and thoughts.

In America, the highways and roads are not the only ways things that connect…. there are the hiking trails, represented in green, that connect and guide to new places and ideas.

The rivers, in blue, represent new information constantly flowing in bringing new ideas, opportunities, and thoughts from those that pour into the internet to show and make accessible new information.

The assortment of pictures and figures represent just the few things that the internet has made us aware of and what make up the internet. The book representing information, light bulbs are ideas, food items represent the ways the internet can give us recipes or restaurants that are searched.

Simply this is the internet….

