The Internet: Friend or Foe

Alyson Moore
Digital Studies 101
2 min readSep 16, 2019

The internet gives people what they desire at the touch of a button, but what is the internet and what does it mean for society? The internet is everything and anything. Some people can’t live without it, some only use it when necessary, and others could care less about it. What makes the internet such an enigma and what does it mean for society?

Slowly over time people have become reliant on the internet to give them the information that they need when they don’t know something, to buy things instead of having to go out, and to meet people across the globe all in the comfort of their own home. By giving the internet this much power it allows the internet to become its own entity, almost like a living, breathing person. We’ve given so much power to an inanimate object that most people can’t even imagine a world without it.

I love that the internet gives people opportunities to experience the world for little to no cost. I love that it enables people to meet others around the world because it’s hard for some people to socialize in person. I love that it’s a form of communication for people going through ruff patches to meet others going through similar circumstances so they know they aren’t alone and help is available. But what scares me is how some people have become so reliant on it that they lose the personal connections with their family and close friends. It can cause people to lose their in-person communication skills. It can causes people to stop having to think for themselves because they can look it up. It scares me because it’s now so important to us that if it was taken away most people wouldn’t know what to do with themselves.

The internet has created new societal norms for better and worse. A big thing that needs to be remembered is that it is us who gives the internet the power that it has, the internet doesn’t create its own power. But if we continue on the path that we are on we may just lose our power to technology.


