What is the internet?

Emma Gardner
Digital Studies 101
2 min readJan 5, 2021
PC: Vitaly Sacred

The internet seems to be everywhere, intertwined within our personal lives and an outside force that is everpresent. No matter where you are, you can call an uber, fact-check someone, or look for somewhere to get authentic sushi. The internet is an ever-present “person” within our conversations. The internet is everywhere, but there are places it is not welcomed or things that it doesn't revolve around, such as taking your cat for a walk, building interpersonal relationships with friends, or creating some physical art. There are many internet variations and for each person, the internet is different as it is catered towards each individual. In recent years the internet has become a place of community and new beginnings as the internet holds essentially all the information you will ever need to know. In a sense, it is alive because as each person adds to its neverending pit of knowledge, it grows and weaves a new part of itself. What I truly enjoy about the internet is the ability to learn bits and pieces of knowledge and gain some understanding of a certain topic. What truly scares me about the internet is also that you can find knowledge about anything and not all is real or factual. It is truly up to each person to decide what to do with the information they have stumbled upon. The internet is both a magical, scary, and boring place. It all depends on how you use it.

PC: Glenn Carstens-Peters

