What is the Internet?

Alison Chapman
Digital Studies 101
2 min readJan 6, 2021

The internet is a web created through numerous connections by a combination of devices, located around the world. Its location, however; is seemingly impossible to map or to even be put into our definition of space as it does not have one set location. Although you could map out every location of every device, that would only be a map of its hardware, not the internet itself. With that in mind, the internet is a collective of the various links that allow you to reach a particular page and many more. Over the years, it has grown and become the internet that we know and love. Through this growth, it has become enormous and almost alive. We often compare the internet to a world in itself. Drawing viewers in, it has become a dangerous array of fake news and propaganda. Despite these faults, it is also important to note the many benefits that it has brought on, such as highlighting societal issues and connecting without physical touch. These benefits are critical considering the issues we are encountering currently with Covid-19. I love that the internet is giving us the ability to change our world, literally at our fingertips — although as stated earlier this is a double-edged sword! The way I see it, the internet is alive, growing, and will continue to grow until our passion for it passes.

