What is the internet?

Emily Curtin
Digital Studies 101


This reading was pretty hard to comprehend, not gonna lie. Like Jesse said, it looks like chapter one (maybe more) was hacked, so it made it a little hard to understand. But that does show a pretty decent example of how the internet/information on the web can be altered at any given time to include false/misleading information.

I feel like the internet is anything and everything you can imagine. It’s a tool for communication, and also complete nonsense. It allows for businesses to be created & for them to share their work, but also a place for people to exploit those businesses with little to no consequence. It allows for people to come together from all over the world at the click of a button, no matter the distance. It’s a place for people to create fun, crazy nonsense. It allows people to express themselves, and create silly things that don’t make sense, and share it with people just to make them laugh. Anything is possible.

In a way, the internet is alive. It’s kind of like a robot, it thinks, computes, and shares information. I mean it’s not alive in the sense that it’s a living, breathing being, but it is still.. alive? It wouldn’t be here without people, but I feel like people depend on it, kind of like a person. They need its support and intelligence to complete their day to day lives. So, I guess it lives through the people who use it.

I love and hate the internet. I love the ability to communicate with my friends from all over the world, and the only thing I have to worry about is the time difference. I never have to worry about whether or not I can talk to them, it’s all about finding the time. I love that I can share & create whatever I want, and show it to whoever I like. But at the same time, it’s so easy for information to fall into the wrong hands on the internet. People can so easily take advantage of whatever you put out there, and twist & turn it into something it’s not. it’s a dangerous game, with its ups and downs. But with all of that considered, I still depend on the internet, and I do love having it around.



Emily Curtin
Digital Studies 101

I am currently a junior at the University of Mary Washington with a major in Communications & Digital Studies.