What’s Behind Door Number 10101?

Gyeore Lee
Digital Studies 101
1 min readMar 29, 2016
“Little Prince” chapter 21.

For the assignment called What’s Behind Door Number 10101? I chose to do Wordle using my favorite book Little Prince. When I upload the quotes from the book, and randomize the images, I notice that the size of the words stay the same but the font, color, and layout change. Among the many different fonts, I chose ‘powell antique’ font. I thought that it matches well with the basic story of the book. Also, when I saw the font for the first time, it looked like a rose. And then when I see the word, rose, it matched well with the font so I chose ‘powell antique’ font. As the chapter 21 is focusing on how little prince feels about the rose, so the words, like, rose, and tamed is the biggest to capture the viewer’s eyes.

When I chose the layout and color for the image, I pictured the whole storyline of the book. When I thought about the Little Prince, it gave me a calm feeling. So when I looked through bunch of the images, I realized that being in harmony with colors and layout determines the whole picture plane. If one of the factors changed, the image of the whole picture plane changes.

