What the Internet Means to Me

Matthew Monaghan
Digital Studies 101
1 min readJan 21, 2021

It took me a while to come up with an idea for this project. At first I wanted to create a game about the internet, but I am not the best at that so I kind of scrapped that idea. After a few hours it dawned on me. The internet has impacted me in such an amazing way, and I wondered just how much it has impacted other people as well. So I decided to make a website about how the internet has effected me and added a few ways for people to share with me how the internet has effected them. As time goes on, I will create a new section in the website and share (with each individual’s consent) the story of how the internet has impacted those people who decided to respond. This way I will have one website with everyone’s joint experience of the internet. I feel like this would be something special and you can feel free to send it to whoever you’d like!

Website Link:


