Learn Instagram Advertisement in 2020

Social Chai ☕
Digital Tipper


By going through these 8 Posts

Very important information you always need to keep in your mind while promoting post on Instagram is the text portion should be less than 15% . If the post contains more text Instagram does not approves the promotion and even if approved the post does not get reach even after paying high . Follow this golden rule to get better results.


No I want to promote the above post its very simple you can see the promote option in blue color Just click on it .


After clicking on the Promote option you will see the screen with option Create Promotion — (Post 2 ) Again click on it .


In post 3 you will see three options, choose according to your need. Choose where you want to send the person who is gonna see your advertise. If you have website or blog you can choose the option — Your Website and can insert the link of your website .

If you want the person to Direct Message you and ask you about your product or service you can choose the third option.

Here now I am going to choose the first option as I want the person who sees my advertise should visit my Instagram profile there itself. (After Choosing Your Profile)


Here you have to choose the audience , if you are doing it for first time you will have to choose the option — Create your own ( Click on It )


Here you have to give name of the audience which is just for your information.

Location — You can choose any location you want, depends on where you want to target any Country , State or City ( Remember, narrow the targeting better the results ) . Also you have another option called — local , once you click on it Instagram will automatically select the area around you, which is the better option when you want to promote your business or product in your nearby area, you just have to select the radius, and i recommend to keep the radius maximum 5–10 for better results.

Interest — Type and select all the keywords related to your promotion as you can see I have selected all the digital marketing tags & keywords because I am promoting content related to YouTube.

Age & Gender — Completely depends what product you are promoting, choose the age according. If you are promoting any event that is only for Male from age 20 to 45, choose it accordingly. Don’t over target, that’s your loss you will unnecessarily pay for the audience which is not yours.


Now let me tell you the minimum budget for Instagram is 80 Rs for one day. Now it depends on what is your budget and how much do you want to spend on that particular promotion. You can have a look in the Post 6 — I am ready to spend 80 Rs for 2 days which means total is 160 Rs and the reach shown is somewhere between 4 k to 11 k people. If you want to increase the count of audience reach you will have to increase budget. Budget & duration of days can be increased by swiping the line.

Post 7

Here post 7 shows you the taxes part and the total budget I am going to spend in 2 days. Once you are done with checking all the budget and taxes part click on the blue button — Create Promotion.

The Next Screen you will see a notification at the top of your screen which say Thanks. your promotion has been sent to review. Just as below

The review takes somewhere between 2 hrs to 12 hrs to get approve. Once your promotion is approved or disapproved you will get notification.

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Social Chai ☕
Digital Tipper

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