Digital Transaction closes XPLL Private Sale 2

ParallelChain Lab
ParallelChain Lab Blog
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Digital Transaction, the blockchain technology company behind the revolutionary blockchain ParallelChain, has announced the early closure of Private Sale Round 2 of its XPLL token.

Over the past few weeks, we have received an overwhelming number of requests asking to purchase the XPLL tokens during the Private Sale. Due to massive oversubscription, the DTL team has decided to end Private Sale Round 2 earlier than the original scheduled end date of 31st May 2021. Any purchase requests that came in after 4th May 2021 06:00 ET will unfortunately not be considered. If you had sent in your request before the aforementioned time but have not yet heard back from us via email after 3 days, kindly send a chaser to the original email thread, and one of our team members will be sure to assist you.

We are extremely humbled and grateful to all community members, investors, participants and ecosystem partners who have participated in the token sale so far. Details of the total amount raised during the Private Sale will be announced soon, as well as the next stage of token sale (also be on the lookout on our Twitter and Telegram platforms for additional opportunities to obtain XPLL tokens!)

About Digital Transaction Limited
Founded in 2018, Digital Transaction Limited is a Hong Kong breakthrough enterprise blockchain technology company. Digital Transaction is the home of ParallelChain, the fastest, most scalable and the only GDPR privacy compliant blockchain in the world. With 10 patents pending, as well as an award-winning technical team, strong business execution and deep market insight, Digital Transaction consistently rolls out technical innovation leading the Distributed Ledger Technology movement with unmatched products that unlock enterprises’ digital transformation initiatives.

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