How to set up ParallelChain™ on your local machine?

ParallelChain Lab
ParallelChain Lab Blog
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

Revolutionary blockchain ParallelChain™ is quickly becoming a compelling choice for enterprises and the general public who are looking for state-of-the-art blockchain solutions. Now, you have the opportunity to experience first-hand the capability of ParallelChain™ via a live demo session.

We will showcase 3 of ParallelChain™’s signature features during the demo:
• >100,000 transactions per second (industry record)
• 0.003 second real-time latency
• The right to be forgotten (“ability to forget”)

After we confirm your demo application, your local machine needs to be provisioned with a server to connect to. Please follow the 4 steps below to complete the necessary set-ups on your local machine required for this demo. Please also note that the recommended technical requirements is a CPU with 8 cores and 32GBs of RAM.

You can register for the ParallelChain™ demo here.

Step 1: Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (recommended)

Note: If you already have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS set up on your local machine, please go straight to Step 2.

1. Download the ISO for the latest version of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
You most likely want the 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop image.

2. Create a bootable Ubuntu disk
If you are on a Ubuntu machine (not 18.04 LTS):
If you are on a Windows machine:
If you are on a macOS machine:

3. Once the system is booted using the bootable disk, choose “Install Ubuntu”

4. Choose “Normal Installation”

5. Choose “Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu”

6. Create and enter your login name, computer name, username, and password

7. You are now installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. This will take around 5–10 minutes depending on the speed of your computer

8. Once the installation is complete, remove the USB/DVD from the drive and restart your system

Your ubuntu installation is ready!

Step 2: Install GO v1.15.2

1. Apply the latest security updates on Ubuntu
1 sudo apt-get update
2 sudo apt-get -y upgrade

2. Download the latest Go language library archive

3. Extract the downloaded archive and install it to desired location on your system. We suggest that you install go under /usr/local
1 sudo tar -xvf go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
2 sudo tar -C /usr/local
3 sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /usr/bin/

4. Set up 3 language environment variables for your project: GOROOT, GOPATH, and PATH
1 export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
2 export GOPATH=$HOME/Projects/Proj1
3 export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

5. Verify the installed version of Go and all environment variables
1 go version
2 go env

Step 3: Compile the ParallelCore Performance Test Kit

1. Copy the “DTL ParallelCore Performance Test Kit” to a directory such as ~/dtl_demo

2. The following files are available:
• main.go
• Makefile
• README.txt

3. On your terminal, run the following:
1 sudo make clean
2 make

4. The following new files will be generated:
• go.mod
• go.sum
• vendor/

large-column-sim-random ← this is what main.go compiles to.

Step 4: Demo Away!

1. At least 15 minutes before your scheduled demo, a representative from Digital Transaction will get in touch with you to make sure that you have all the correct tools and programs set up to run ParallelChain™.

2. Start the ParallelCore Performance Console: go to on the machine’s web browser

3. Start the demo. Type the following into your terminal:

Enjoy the show.

About Digital Transaction Limited
Founded in 2018, Digital Transaction Limited is a Hong Kong breakthrough enterprise blockchain technology company. Digital Transaction is the home of ParallelChain™, the fastest, most scalable and the only GDPR privacy compliant blockchain in the world. With 10 patents pending, as well as an award-winning technical team, strong business execution and deep market insight, Digital Transaction consistently rolls out technical innovation leading the Distributed Ledger Technology movement with unmatched products that unlock enterprises’ digital transformation initiatives. Visit website:

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