GitHub & Opsera Better Together

Digital transformation to AI Transformation
5 min readMay 9, 2024


GitHub Copilot: Boosting Productivity, Overcoming Adoption Hurdles

GitHub Copilot, the AI-powered coding assistant, promises to transform the way developers write code. Yet, successful adoption in organizations can face challenges. In this post, we’ll explore common obstacles and how to navigate them without hindering the developer experience.

Key Challenges for Copilot Adoption

  • Trust and Transparency: Developers may feel hesitant to rely on machine-generated code, especially when unsure of how suggestions are made.
  • Code Quality Concerns: A fear exists that Copilot might promote quick solutions over maintainability or introduce subtle errors.
  • Disrupting Established Workflows: Integrating a new tool can be jarring for developers who already have efficient routines.
  • Learning Curve: Understanding how to best collaborate with an AI pair programmer takes time and adjustment.

Strategies for Smooth Adoption

  1. Promote Transparency: Clearly explain how Copilot learns and generates suggestions. Offer documentation and resources to build understanding.
  2. Emphasize Control: Developers should always feel ownership of their code. Provide options for customization, fine-tuning suggestions, and easily disable Copilot when necessary.
  3. Phased Integration: Start with smaller, lower-risk projects or specific tasks to allow developers to gradually adapt and gain confidence.
  4. Quality-First Approach: Emphasize that Copilot is a tool to aid code quality, not replace review processes. Highlight use cases for refactoring and error reduction.
  5. Support and Education: Provide ample training, best practices, and internal communities for developers to share their Copilot experiences.
  6. Iterative Feedback: Collect developer feedback regularly to identify pain points and continuously improve the integration.

How do we promote transparency?

Open Communication and Education

  • Explain the “Why” Behind Copilot: Clearly communicate the goals of adopting Copilot within your organization. Frame it as a tool to enhance developer productivity and efficiency, not replace their skills.
  • “How it Works” Sessions: Organize workshops or talks explaining how Copilot functions. Demystify the AI model and its training data to build trust and understanding.
  • Interactive Demos: Showcase real-world scenarios where Copilot can assist with tasks like boilerplate code generation or suggesting alternative approaches to problems.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Develop a knowledge base with detailed information on using Copilot, including configuration options, best practices, and troubleshooting guides.

Collaborative Feedback Mechanisms

  • Internal Surveys and Feedback Loops: Regularly solicit feedback from developers about their Copilot experiences. This can be through surveys, anonymous feedback forms, or dedicated channels for discussion.
  • Focus Groups and Open Forums: Facilitate group discussions where developers can share their concerns and ask questions about Copilot’s functionality and usage.
  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Incentivize developers to share their Copilot success stories or tips for effective collaboration with the tool.

Leveraging Existing Communication Channels

  • Internal Blog Posts and Newsletters: Regularly publish articles highlighting best practices, developer experiences, and success stories related to Copilot adoption.
  • Dedicate Space in Team Meetings: Allocate time during team meetings to discuss Copilot usage, share resources, and answer any questions developers might have.
  • Internal Q&A Platforms: Utilize existing communication platforms within your organization to create dedicated channels for Copilot discussions and knowledge sharing.

Examples of Transparency in Action:

  • Microsoft (creators of Copilot) hosts regular webinars and publishes detailed documentation on the Copilot website. They openly discuss the model’s limitations and emphasize the importance of developer review for all generated code.
  • As a company it is important to create a blog post showcasing how a developer used Copilot to refactor a complex piece of code, saving them significant development time. This not only highlights efficiency gains but also demonstrates real-world use cases.
  • An internal knowledge base article could detail specific Copilot configuration options that allow developers to tailor the tool’s behavior to their preferences. This empowers developers to leverage Copilot while maintaining control over their workflow.

By implementing these strategies, you can foster an open and transparent environment around GitHub Copilot within your organization. This not only builds trust among developers but also increases the likelihood of successful adoption and maximizes the benefits of this powerful tool.

Balancing Assistance and Autonomy

The aim is to empower developers with Copilot, not replace their expertise. Here’s how to strike that balance:

  • Focus on Problem-Solving: Encourage using Copilot as a brainstorming aid to explore solutions.
  • Critical Thinking First: Developers should always evaluate suggestions before blindly accepting them.

Measuring Copilot Adoption Success using Opsera:

  • Adoption Rate: Track the percentage of developers actively using Copilot.
  • Usage Frequency: Monitor how often developers interact with Copilot suggestions (accepting, editing, or rejecting).
  • Qualitative Feedback: Conduct surveys and interviews to gauge developer satisfaction, identify areas where Copilot excels, and gather suggestions for improvement.
  • Codebase Analysis (Advanced): If feasible, analyze code repositories over time to identify patterns or quality changes coinciding with Copilot usage potentially. This requires careful setup to isolate Copilot’s impact.

Measuring Developer Productivity

  • Time to Completion: Compare the time taken to complete similar tasks before and after Copilot adoption.
  • Reduced Errors: Track the frequency of bugs, defects, or issues found in code, especially those related to syntax or boilerplate.
  • Lines of Code (Cautiously): While not a perfect metric, it can be one factor if combined with other qualitative measures, ensuring an emphasis on quality over sheer output.
  • Developer Satisfaction Surveys and interviews should gauge whether developers feel Copilot enhances their workflow and helps them focus on more complex problem-solving.

How Opsera Helps Enterprises on the GitHub Ecosystem:

Opsera offers a platform specifically designed to streamline and manage enterprise DevOps workflows with a strong focus on GitHub integration. Here’s how it helps:

  • Unified Visibility: Opsera provides a single dashboard for monitoring development activity across multiple GitHub repositories and organizations. This is vital in large enterprises for understanding Copilot usage patterns.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Opsera uses analytics to identify trends and bottlenecks within development processes. This can reveal how Copilot influences productivity metrics over time (like Commit to deployment, security posture, change failure rate, deployment frequency, time taken to PR creation and approvals, Commit statistics, etc).

The Future of AI-assisted Development

GitHub Copilot represents a significant evolution in how we write software. By proactively addressing adoption challenges, organizations can unlock the full potential of this powerful tool while ensuring it enhances, rather than disrupts, the developer experience.

Share your feedback and experience!

