While Everyone Else Scrolls Social Media, Successful People Do These 7 Things

Reach a new level of productivity

Thomas Strider
Digital Tycoons


young woman holds her diploma as she graduates from college!
Photo by Davis Sánchez from Pexels

If you’re like most people, you probably spend way too much time scrolling through social media. And while it’s a normal habit these days, it’s not really an effective use of your time.

Sure, social media can be entertaining. But if you want to be successful, you should be using your time wisely and making sensible use of your free time. That could be any number of things:

  • Working on a side hustle
  • Reading
  • Journaling
  • Exercising
  • Socializing

All of these have massive benefits to your well-being, but scrolling and viewing life highlights of other people (especially if it's strangers) will cause you way more harm than good.

Science backs up these claims.

Mental health research on social media has proven that social media usage can lead to feelings of social isolation, anxiety, and depression.

If you want to be successful, focus on using your time in a way that benefits you. That could mean anything from reading books that will help you professionally or networking with people in your field.



Thomas Strider
Digital Tycoons

Blogs about entrepreneurship and self-improvement. Top writer on Medium with 50,000,000+ reads across the web. Follow for lifestyle centric business tips.