Creativity and innovation below the radar— a full report of what we’ve learned

Digital Universities in Africa
Nov 24, 2021

A report from the project is now available. You can download and read the full report from the INASP website: Creating digital content and delivering digital learning in African universities.

We’ve also published a summary of what we found on University World News: Innovative teaching is happening — often unsupported

Having gathered our stories and analysed them as a research team, we discussed them and what we could learn from them through workshops with the innovators, and with a wider group of academics and university managers from each country.

As well as synthesising the stories and our findings, we developed a “vision for digital teaching and learning” through the two workshops, and a series of recommendations — for academic staff, for university leaders and managers, and for national policy makers.



Digital Universities in Africa

Research and evidence are critical for development, but knowledge systems are inequitable. We want to change that.