10 of the most annoying people on your Social Media

šŸ— Nathan Rogers
Stronger Content
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2016
When you get a notification on them

Let me start off my saying I think social media is a double edged sword. It can be a very good thing. Or it can be a very bad thing. Usually, Twitter makes me love people Iā€™ve never met, while Facebook makes me dislike people Iā€™ve known all my life. I know there are more than 10 types of people we all dread seeing on our newsfeed, but I have narrowed them down to the ones I call the narcissist, launderer, gnat, counterfeiter, bully, peddler, desperado, graffiti artist, klepto and churner.

The Narcissist

The narcissist is obsessed with themselves. They like to post selfies. A lot of selfies. We all remember what you look like. You just showed us 5 minutes ago. Pump the brakes on all the selfies, please. Especially, you, fellas. Also, chill out on the ā€œhumble bragsā€, that you often post to draw even more attention to yourself.

The Launderer

The Launderer airs dirty laundry for everyone to see. Dirty laundry goes in the washer. Not on Social Media. Stop posting personal things. Especially things that might affect others. This also includes vague posts like, ā€œI canā€™t believe this is happeningā€ or ā€œKarma will get youā€. They post it for the world to see, then complain when someone asks about it for ā€œnot minding their own businessā€.

The Gnats

The Gnats send constant requests and invites. It feels like getting swarmed by gnats. If I want to play a game, Iā€™ll find it. I donā€™t need you swarming me with game requests, daily event invites or page requests.

The Counterfeiter

The Counterfeiter frequently posts things that simply isnā€™t true. Do a little research before you share crap. Some posts, or articles, are downright lies, others are just fake parodies for humor (that they donā€™t understand), and some are dangerously uninformative, that cause others to rush judgement. Most have to do with politics or some other conspiracy or agenda, and turn out to be totally false. And while youā€™re at it, stop sharing chain letters and that bogus ā€œRepost this to protect your privacyā€, junk. STOP.

The Bully

The Bully tries to pressure you in to doing some ā€œchallengeā€. Look, I understand people want to ā€œraise awarenessā€ about certain issues. But give these ā€œchallengesā€ a rest, will ya? Me doing a pushup or dumping a bucket of ice on my head doesnā€™t help anything except get my blood flowing and cool me off. I challenge you to refrain yourself from putting this garbage on my page!

The Peddler

The Peddler sells life changing ā€œproductsā€ that can only be bought by a platinum-diamond-top level-ambassador. All you have to do is have a party and get 76 friends to sign up. Then youā€™re set for life with your very own business. There should be a separate page for this.

The Desperado

The Desperado begs for RTā€™s or shares. Please share, like and retweet THIS: stop begging people to spread your stupid statuses or tweets in hopes of making something you did go viral. If itā€™s good, people will share it without you begging them.

The Graffiti Artist

The Graffiti Artist tags you in a post or picture, or writes something unwanted on your wall. Before you tag someone in a post or picture, or put something inappropriate on someone elseā€™s page, you might want to let the person know first. Also quit adding people in various ā€œgroupsā€ without asking them first. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been added to some group, then removed myself from it.

The Klepto

The Klepto steals your status or tweet, uses it as their own, and gives you zero credit. Nice status/tweet! Funny how I posted the exact same thing YESTERDAY and you gave me zero credit. Look, thereā€™s ways to post and give someone credit, without stealing someone elseā€™s stuff, ya know.

The Churner

The Churner stirs the pot by asking something publicly, that doesnā€™t concern them, nor should be discussed publicly. One thing I hate is seeingā€¦ ā€œThere was a bad wreck on Highway ā€œXYZā€. Anyone know what happened or who was involved?ā€ Then you have people commenting about certain details that SHOULDNā€™T be posted publicly. What if someone lost a loved and had not yet been properly notified but sees this on their feed? Keep this stuff privately.



šŸ— Nathan Rogers
Stronger Content

Razorback Fanatic. MMA Enthusiast. Rasslin Zealot. Avid Outdoorsman. Amateur Philanthropist. Relaxation Connoisseur. Witty Sarcasmist. Random Blogger/Podcaster.