8 Powerful Ways to Build Brand Trust on Social Media

Mos Clement
Stronger Content
Published in
7 min readMar 16, 2017

Are you using social media to build brand trust with your audience?

The use of social media by marketers to create brand awareness and scale their businesses has become the focal point of almost all businesses because social media is a robust marketing instrument that is capable of reaching a massive audience faster than you can imagine.

However, many business owners have not been able to use the power of social media to understand the best possible way or ways to positively impact their business — build trust and credibility with their audience.

There has been many advancements in technology which have had a positive effect on social media, making it a lot easier for businesses to engage and communicate with their audience.

But there is something missing: failure to build brand trust and through the various avenues that social media has provided.

To build brand trust and credibility, you must first prove yourself as a trustworthy and credible authority in your niche.

Here are 8 undeniable tips that will help you build brand trust and credibility using social media.

1. Start Your Own Blog or Website

Setting up your own blog or website is a must. But having a blog or website is not all to it.

You will have to create quality content that your audience will love to read and share on social media platforms — evergreen content that is unique and compelling enough to move your audience to action.

You also have to guarantee that your blog will offer a solid user experience (UX).

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2. Be Consistent Across Channels

Now that you have a blog, what’s next? You need to create content regularly. Create content on a variety of topics in your niche that your target audience is searching for on the internet.

  • Communicate with your audience to find out what types of content they love to read and create those
  • Use social contests, throw a question or two at your audience on social media
  • At the end of your blog post, ask them what they will love to read next.

With the information, you gathered, create content that will solve your audience’s problems or be able to teach them what they need to know. Again, it’s about content that will entertain and move them to action.

Not everybody’s a great writer. If you’re worried about it, you can hire someone to write for you.

Outsource your content. There are freelance writers and guest bloggers who would gladly help you with content creation, use their services.

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3. Build Brand Trust by Being Active on Social Media

The fact that some people have the idea of pitching their products and services to their customers right from the very start. It is an awful idea to building brand trust, not to mention that some have not been posting on social media for months on end.

Such a concept is wrong, it is killing your brand reputation, and is negatively affecting your trustworthiness and credibility because social media is not all about selling your product and services.

“Social media is not just a way to sell to your customers. It is a way to connect, create a community, and build trust and loyalty. Social marketing is crucial, not separate to your brand community. Start relating to customers and stop selling to them. When you build trust and loyalty, the sales will come.” — Timothy Alexander

This is so true. You must start interacting with your customers. If you are not active on social media for months or there-about, you are automatically classified as being inactive and will definitely lose the little trust you might have built already.

I personally unfollowed over 3,000 of my followers on Twitter recently because they have not been tweeting the past 3 months, which means I do not trust them anymore.

Think along the lines of the 4–2–1 rule for social media. It’s OK to post content from other sources which your target customer will find interesting because it takes the pressure off you to write everything yourself and helps build your credibility.

A good rule of thumb would be a ratio of 4 pieces of content linked from other sources to 2 original pieces of content for every 1 offer you make.

Please Read also: How to Beat Your Competitors and Stand Out on Social Media

4. Build Brand Trust via Networking

“One of the easiest ways to be persuasive is to appeal to another authority on a given subject. If you can get a referral from another big social media account then this will help you greatly.” — Zahara Jade

As you actively engage with your prospects on social media, you will need to network further by joining groups and forums.

The concept is that when you join groups and forums, you are likely to meet many others who are interested in your niche. The best part, you might meet top influencers in your niche and create a cordial relationship with them.

Chances are, they may refer you to other Influencers who will help to expose your brand far and wide, and enable you to build trust and credibility with your audience on social media. Networking will also a great way to find relevant content your targeted market will love.

Related Post: How to Better Connect with Your Blog Audience

5. Discover Your Area of Competence

Whatever area you feel you are competent at, you need to experiment a lot more to discover which of your strategies are most effective.

For instance, if posting inspiration and motivational content get you more engagement on social media, take advantage of that and post more of those with a blend of your blog content.

The idea is for you to discover the type of content that gets you more engagement. Among the contents you’ve created, which ones are more popular? Find out and create more of such content.

Whenever possible, though, it is best to relate that content back to your core business.

After all, we’re not doing this for fun. We’re trying to build relationships with potential and current customers so when they need our services, we are top of mind.

6. Be Transparent

Be honest about your business, and unbiased in your recommendations. Let your audience and potential customers know your story. People can see through hype and hyperbole quickly. Be genuine in everything you do.

Mistakes are certain to happen, so if there are some mistakes along the way, address them promptly. Bad reviews can hurt your business especially when they go unresolved.

Responding to a complaint or mistake with a positive message — steps you’ve taken to change things up, or a positive resolution will create a compelling story.

“Every business makes mistakes. It is how your business responds to your mistakes that makes all the difference. “ — Paul Dughi

7. Be Accountable

“If a customer has posted a complaint or question, they expected a quick response, typically within 1~2 hours. Resolving their questions and complaints will not only create a satisfied customer, but other social users will see how quickly the issue was handled as they form their own opinions about your company.” — Strong Social.

In marketing/business, things might unexpectedly go wrong — invoicing issue, delivery issues, or a myriad of other problems.

When something goes wrong, do not try to make excuses to hide it. Take responsibility for what happen, and by means of social media, apologize to your customers and try to make it up for them.

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8. Use Testimonials

Testimonials from your customers are key content marketing components because these types of content are open-minded, natural, and more engaging.

And since testimonials are positive feedbacks about your business, they often resonate more with your readers.

Testimonials are confirmation that potential customers are looking for to move to action. It gives them the confidence to move forward since others have made the same decision.

When you use testimonials, you are, in effect encouraging your audience to buy your product and services. It helps to advertise your brand or business effectively and serves as a genuine proof of your brand’s success stories.


Building trust and credibility on social media with your business brand require commitment and effort.

There are many ways to build trust and credibility on social media. Which ones have you used? Your comments will be well appreciated.

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About the author

Moss Clement is a blogger and digital marketing freelance writer, social media & content marketer who blogs at mossmedia.biz. He has been featured in many websites and publications including RankWatch, ProvenSEO, Inspire to Thrive, Statusbrew, Blogging From Paradise, Mostly Blogging, Arts & Marketing, etc. He is helping businesses and individuals like you to generate leads, increase engagement, and maximize ROI by delivering consistent high-quality content that is tailored to the needs of your audience.

Connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.



Mos Clement
Stronger Content

SEO writer for B2B SaaS and digital marketing brands, including Semrush, SocialPilot, Serpstat, etc. Need content writing help for your biz blog? Let's talk!