The Digital Nomad Dilemma — A Million Happy Thoughts

Melanie Ginsburg
Stronger Content
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2017


Originally published at

Take a few moments and invent a new object.

It could be anything… a toy, a gadget or an accessory.

Not so easy, right?

Now, take a few moments and invent a new cleaning product.

It may still be challenging, but at least you know the right direction to send your thoughts.

I once attended a seminar and the speaker opened up with this challenge.

He explained that creativity needs constraints. Otherwise, your brain gets overwhelmed with infinite options and shut down.

Recently, I’ve learned that the same concept applies to life.

In the summer of 2016, I started working as a freelance writer. I had a steady gig reading and summarizing books, and it was truly my dream job come to life. For me, the best part was that I could do it from anywhere in the world.

So I bought a one-way ticket to Bangkok and spent the following seven months gallivanting around Southeast Asia.

It was liberating and exciting and fun. I met countless incredible and inspiring people who opened my eyes to an entire world I had never dreamed of.

