Spring 2016: Day 1

Kenneth Ahlstrom
Digital Wanderer
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2016
Salt Lake City International Airport

Ok, more like day 1+, since the flight — layovers included — took twenty hours and I’m now sitting here typing while having been awake for twenty six. If I can make myself stay up for just two more hours, I’ll be able to get to sleep “on timezone” and be adjusted almost immediately when I wake up in the morning.

Anyway, I’m back in Ukraine! I get to run around this amazing country for another ninety days … with a break right in the middle for a week or so in the Netherlands. I’m stoked to be back out here. It really feels like home.

The flight out this time was relatively painless. The first, and most important, step was to avoid UIA ( Ukrainian International Airlines ) at all costs. The second was to fly direct to Lviv without stopping through Kiev. I flew over from Toronto, Canada on LOT Polish Airlines through Warsaw and things couldn’t have gone better. On the last trip, I believe total travel time on the way over was something like twenty six hours. I did this one in twenty. And I had comfortable seating. And watched Big Hero 6.

It’s pretty awesome to have an employer that will let me come out and work with the guys here directly on this type of extended stay. It’s also pretty awesome to have a group of friends and family who will keep my house and property watched over and lived in so I’m not sitting here paranoid of burglary.

I’m ridiculously tired right now. I’ve also got to hit up the nearby продукти and buy some water and snacks. Then sleep. Beautiful, beautiful sleep. And then I will inundate all of you with photos and brief blurbs about my days out here until they’re over.

Flying into Ukraine from Warsaw



Kenneth Ahlstrom
Digital Wanderer

Developer, Snowboarder, Travel Enthusiast, Adventurer, ENTP. When I write, it’s because I have something to say.