5 Ways Predictive Analytics Can Contribute To Employee Engagement

Digital Adoption 101
5 min readMay 30, 2019


The ability to leverage data, particularly as it relates to ‘predicting the future’ is an exciting avenue that probably has more questions than answers right now. Predictive analytics is a well-known metric within customer services, but little is known about this field as it relates to employee engagement.

This is why there is hype around people analytics, but very little execution. A study of over 11,000 companies by Deloitte in 2018 revealed the following:

Harnessing predictive analytics allows organizations to understand future employee behavior, which puts them in a better position to influence the future.

Traditionally, predicting analytics in organizations only dealt with employees’ intention of leaving and that was the end of it. However, through a combination of data science and organizational behavior studies, predictive people analytics provides a plethora of options for organizations to positively influence employee engagement, beyond just predicting “attrition”.

  1. Predicting the future performance of employees



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