Debunking Enterprise Employee Training Myths

Digital Adoption 101
5 min readSep 5, 2018


The earth is flat.

Einstein was bad at math.

Myths have played a significant part throughout human history — often playing a detrimental role. The digital age is no exception. As technology advances, the misconceptions about software and training are on the rise, and the consequences cannot be ignored.

Enterprises infected by training myths lack the foresight to invest in modern training techniques. Lack of initiative and innovation results in failed training programs and inefficient employees.

A Forrester report found that on average, enterprises without proper training methods lose up to 20% of new talent within the first 45 days of employment. When new hires experience poor onboarding they are 8X more likely to lack engagement in work, costing the company significant revenue.

Organizational leaders pay the price for not questioning training myths.

Training myths are on the rise, even as technology improves

Enterprise software is inseparable from the daily workflows in most organizations. However when it comes to enterprise training, managers and employees alike are still falling victim to employee training fallacies.

Outdated beliefs attached to employee training have sunk their claws into many aspects of enterprise training, deterring managers from investing in the proper training tools.

Training myths stem from a lack of understanding of the new training methods and a misconception that employees cannot effectively learn on the job. The harmful results are felt by both the organization and employees. It is well known that engaged employees who learn under structured onboarding programs produce successful results.

From classroom learning to eLearning and everything in between — employee training today is bogged down with quite a lot of baggage.

Here are six enterprise training myths that have been debunked for good:

Myth #1: There is no way to prove that employee training actually works

Fact: Increasing employee engagement investments by 10% can boost profits by $2,400 per employee per year (Workplace research foundation).

The idea that training isn’t measurable is a definite myth.

With the right tools and KPIs, managers can easily track employees’ progress. Requesting progress reports throughout the training process, utilizing the power of analytics, and frequently assessing employee performance are just a few.

That being said, companies must allow for a trial period as employees get acclimated to the new software. If an employee isn’t given the ability to put their skills to the test they likely won’t develop the confidence they need to succeed in the future. And the company will suffer.

Myth #2: Employees prefer eLearning and classroom learning

Fact: Employees often opt to utilize available technology in order to learn on their own.

In a 2017 learning in the workplace survey, employees were asked to rank their preferred learning formats. Self-serve learning, defined as the daily work experiences and knowledge sharing with their team, made it to the top of the list. Followed by daily work experiences, knowledge sharing with teams and use of web resources. Interestingly, classroom training and eLearning were both at the bottom of the list.

Myth #3: Employees are the only ones affected by training

Fact: Employee training has a positive impact on everyone from stakeholders to customers.

Employee training can have a positive impact on everyone from stakeholders to customers.

A Harvard Business Review study concluded that a strategic training system can result in many benefits for a company. A successful training program will teach employees everything from how to build a better product to how to interact with customers. It also increases innovation and improves the bottom-line.

On average, customer retention rates are 18% higher when employees are successfully engaged.

This training myth might be one of the most detrimental misconceptions organizations have today. A company that does not realize the lasting effects of its training program will see poor customer experience and decreased morale.

Myth #4: Only millennials can successfully learn to use complex software

Fact: Age is irrelevant — all employees require a next-gen training strategy when learning how to use enterprise software.

Research shows that the challenges millennials and baby boomers face when onboarding to a new software are not age-related.

The next time you assess a baby boomer’s ability to onboard to a new platform, remember that regardless of generational differences, each individual faces their own difficulties when it comes to learning something new.

Using enterprise software doesn’t come easily to anyone. No matter how tech-savvy a person is — they will still need software training to get up to speed on all their digital tools.

Myth #5: Cutting-edge technologies such as VR and wearable tech are not useful for employee training

Fact: VR and other rising technologies significantly enhance training.

New technology allows training managers to create a skilled workforce while catering to the needs of each individual. Every employee learns differently, so with more training resources available, employees have the option of determining which method is the right fit.

According to a 2018 Deloitte study, new technology actually puts a positive spin on training. Instead of boring classroom learning, employees now have the opportunity to don a VR set and spend the afternoon experiencing how to better do their jobs.

Myth #6: Technology is making L&D departments obsolete in the digital age

Fact: 73% of employees feel technology can never replace the human mind (PWC’s workplace of the future report).

According to Forbes, the role of the L&D department has evolved significantly as technology improves, but it has not become obsolete. The department is required to properly implement new training tech.

However, the job of the L&D department is shifting. Its new focus is helping employees drive digital transformation. This is done by implementing proper training techniques that align with the company’s digital strategy.

When it comes to workplace learning, employees usually seek out help from coworkers in their own departments before searching for external aid. If the training program is up to par, L&D departments might take a more hands-off approach and work in the background to support and empower employee performance.

Originally published at on September 5, 2018.



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