Has the World of Change Gone Mad…That Depends on How You Define it

Chris Smith
Digital Adoption 101
3 min readOct 11, 2018


It is famously misquoted that Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. While this didn’t come from Einstein, I think it does hold true today in Change Management, and it encourages me to pose the question:

Why are so many change managers complacent with the status quo and aren’t bothered that the ball is not moving forward?

Are we just using the same existing tech over and over again and expecting wildly different results? Sometimes I think we are, and this is not conducive to innovation.

What would you do tomorrow, if all your go-to strategies suddenly didn’t work anymore?

Picture from Shutterstock

More Change Managers need to take into account that the ground below their feet is moving and the processes of yesterday don’t always apply to today’s strategies.

The need to start building a stable base of innovation is directly connected to the threat of being competitively swept away. When a great idea hits, it can rock an industry with its effects being felt throughout.

A large part of the Change industry don’t realize this though, and their complacency for innovation is the secret weapon in creating the perfect climate for disruption.

With that in mind, the right platforms have the potential to not only disrupt but to create a shifting culture. Similar to what Swanleap accomplished in the shipping industry by using an AI-powered marketplace to transform the shipping industry, or the way that Pay-Pal revolutionized e-commerce by popularizing online banking.

The effects of both of these companies are felt by billions daily.

That all being said, it’s important to remember that I am not speaking about everyone — just the majority. There are still great pioneers in the sector, companies that are innovative and move the industry forward.

Some examples include Appian, who basically created the Digital Transformation sector, or how Salesforce dominates the CRM space by creating what most would call the “a CRM SuperApp.” However they are massively outnumbered by the number that don’t innovate, and I think this is the issue.

Without good competition, the consumer will not enjoy the full potential of tech. The goal should always be for technology to set the cornerstone for what is possible.

Why it’s important to innovate: After a disruption shakes the industry, a tsunami of digital change follows!

All large tech disruptions create gaps in the market that act as tempting new opportunities for innovation, and therefore an invitation for huge digital change.

In this case, the disruption comes from AI and Machine Learning but we don’t know how that will affect our industry

Are there going to be breakout companies that reshape the mold of what Change Management software will look like?

That still has to be figured out.

The future of business is evolving, and by its very nature that means that Change will too, but it shouldn’t be playing catch up with other industries anymore.

We need to see more companies bringing real innovation to the field, and we need it now. So with that in mind, I want to appeal to the leaders and innovators inside all of you. I challenge all of you to bring something new to the table and celebrate others who do the same.

Because this is the only way we see the potential of our industry.



Chris Smith
Digital Adoption 101

Change Management Specialist at @WalkMeInc. Enjoying sharing thoughts and insights about #ChangeManagement. #change #management #leadership