How Will AI Impact the UX Design Industry?

Megan Wilson
Digital Adoption 101
3 min readDec 19, 2017


Today’s technological advancements are having a huge impact on the design industry. With analytics and big data and updated statistics and research methods available to improve the understanding of human behavior, you’d think product designers would be satisfied with the recent advancements. However, is innovation always a positive thing for every industry? Especially when it threatens the very individuals who make their living by creating and designing interfaces for the products.

I was curious as to what other professionals thought about the impact the advancements in artificial intelligence are having on the user experience industry. So, I turned to one of my favorite resources and compiled a list of the top answers to the Quora question “How do you think AI will impact the UX design world?” I hope this provides some insight into our innovative and fast changing world!

John Athayde, VP of Design, Owner of an Agency, 20+ years in print, web, and post

We are already seeing the beginnings of this with chat bot interaction, voice interaction, and augmented reality.

In the short term, there’s going to be a lot of experimentation and growth around what happens in these new methods of interaction. I think UX practitioners will need to be more HCI-based and able to work in the worlds of psychology and sociology.

The biggest issues to solve will not result in a cool shot to post to Dribbble.

As we move into augmented and virtual reality, we’re going to see more development and design starting to affect more than just visual. More aural and haptic interactions will start to make things more integrated.

AI will power many of these interactions and as we discover and develop best practices we’ll start to codify the practice around artificial intelligence interaction design.

As with all great UX, you’ll know it’s great when it doesn’t stand out too much to you. It’s going to be a very interesting few decades in the craft.

To read John’s full answer, click here

Pete Markiewicz, Teach Ui design along with Ux and Development at AiCaLa

Ai won’t replace Ux. Instead the AI becomes another kind of “customer” or “persona” to be described. Increasingly, Uxers will “design for machines” as well as “design for people”. This will include designing ‘bots and simple Ai behavior and interaction.

In the past, we tried to define human personas in terms of their behaviors, wants, needs, likes. Future Uxers will also design machine personas with their own behaviors, wants, needs, likes to interact with people. This will further blur the line between Ux and development, already blurred by technical SEO talking to machines on the same page where the Ui talks to users.

Click here to read Pete’s full answer

Ilona Demirtshyan, Bachelor’s Marketing, French University in Armenia (2020)

Nowadays, when data has got an increase in speed, size, and variety, with its help huge amounts of data will be analyzed very quickly and effectively. The data patterns detected with the help of AI and ML can actually be useful for improving anything, even user experience.

AI-powered journey mapping can make it possible to create simple, engaging, and profitable user experiences.

Click here to read Ilona’s full answer

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Megan Wilson
Digital Adoption 101

UX enthusiast who loves to share and discover innovative design content. Lead UXer at @WalkMeInc!