Redefining Mentorship for the Digital Age

Digital Adoption 101
4 min readJun 10, 2019


When we think about traditional “mentorship,” a few images may pop into our heads. In one, we picture sitting in a coffee shop with someone in our network, prepared with a long list of questions on how they found success. Or, we see ourselves across the desk from a superior at the office who we admire and aspire to be.

However you see it, mentor/mentee relationships like this are beneficial for their in-person, intimate and focused approach. According to a report from Degreed, 69% of employees are most likely to go to a boss or mentor for guidance when trying to learn something new.

While we still look for that mentorship, the digital age has changed how we traditionally define and approach it. With the Internet and technology at our fingertips, it has become something that we can do from anywhere at any time, with very few barriers.

Mentoring in the digital age means the ability to chat online from the comfort of your own home, reach out to whomever you’d like even if they are not in your immediate network, and opportunities for more frequent and constant guidance. The Internet has become a tribe of mentors, a place we can turn to for advice from people from CEOs to peers.

All in all, mentoring in the digital age comes with some notable improvements.



Digital Adoption 101

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