Visionary Leadership is Not Just for CEOs

Digital Adoption 101
3 min readJul 1, 2019


A clear company vision is the constant ability to see through the clouds to the blue sky above. It is the fundamental way for a company to unify all of its employees to strive toward a single goal, despite any challenges that come up along the way. A vision helps an organization grow into its full potential.

However, despite its grandeur and effect on the entire organization, the conversation about the vision many times does not extend beyond the c-suite and upper management. Those leaders are, by default, the “visionaries” of the organization, and they traditionally work among themselves to create those visions. Then, they present their results for managers and their teams to follow.

While this method can surely be successful, it does not take into account the visionary potential of everyday employees. Even without the view from the seat of a CEO, employees have valuable wisdom that can help drive the company forward.

Anyone can contribute to the company vision

Employees on the “front lines” who talk with customers daily or work through the weeds of operational processes have a unique and valuable perspective on company vision. They can more quickly see how a big vision will affect the daily workflow. They are quick to problem solve or see potential minor downfalls or localized opportunities of…



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