Ecommerce Facebook Ads: How to Score More Conversions

Struggling to drive sales through your ecommerce Facebook Ads? You need proven strategies, real examples, and robust tools to make your Facebook Ads stand out.

Elena Aznar
Growth Ads
6 min readMar 31, 2021


Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash

If you sell online, you’ll probably agree with me when I say this:

No matter how many marketing channels you use, they’re never enough.

You will always need more:

  • High-potential traffic instead of accidental visitors
  • Conversions to achieve sales targets
  • Repeat sales from old customers

To meet all these goals, you need to invest in and optimize ecommerce Facebook Ads.

Why so?

Because Facebook boasts 1.39 million daily active users and contributes the maximum social ecommerce orders to date. You obviously can’t afford to take the platform lightly.

At the same time, advertising on Facebook can be a pricey affair, with high-stake bidding wars for top spots. To get the most bang for your advertising bucks, you need to fine-tune your ecommerce Facebook Ads, using the hacks explained below.

Ecommerce Facebook Ads: Tips to Boost Their ROI

Facebook advertising can be tricky, especially for new publishers. There are many ad formats, spots, and targeting strategies to choose from. To get started, here are some tips to increase your ecommerce conversion rates through Facebook Ads:

1. Focus on Dynamic Product Ads

The best way to push hesitant customers towards check-out is to show them dynamic ads based on the exact products they browsed on your websites.

Mega-brands like Amazon follow their site visitors around the web, showing them products and deals based on their recent activities. With Dynamic Ads, you can also remarket like Amazon and boost your ecommerce ROI.

If you have hundreds and thousands of products in your product catalog, you don’t have to create separate ad copy for each one of them. Dynamic Ad templates will pull product names, images, and pricing information from your catalog and display them to relevant audiences.

To create Dynamic Ads:

  • Log in to Facebook Ad Manager and upload your product catalog.
  • Install a custom audience pixel to track user behavior on your site.
  • Build a dynamic template for your ad.
  • Configure Display Product Ads in the Power Editor and run your ads.

2. Use Multi-Product Ads

As the name suggests, multi-product ads can display many products in a single ad. You can also show multiple benefits of a single product. Needless to say, these ads garner more clicks since people have more variety to choose from. By combining multi-product ads with Dynamic content, you can score a double whammy that absolutely skyrockets your ad ROI.

Need evidence?

Adobe was able to increase their ad CTR by 50%-300% for their customers. Their customer acquisition costs dropped significantly, owing to 30% lower CPC (cost-per-click).

3. Install Pixels for Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking pixels are short code snippets that can track user activity on your sites.

By adding them to your checkout pages, you can monitor the post-sales behavior of your customers and other visitors.

If these consumer insights are fed into Facebook, they can be used to optimize your ad campaigns and build accurate Lookalike Audiences (more on that later). That’s why I recommend that you install conversion tracking pixels before you run your first Facebook Ad campaign.

This way, you allow Facebook to learn insights about your customers, even if they come from other channels. In the absence of pixels, Facebook will have trouble figuring out your ideal customer persona.

4. Run Retargeting Campaigns

As ecommerce marketers, you’re familiar with the pain of losing customers and abandoned carts.

With consumer attention spans dwindling and competition stiffening, it’s becoming more and more challenging to get people to complete check out in one go. In fact, 96.7% of people are likely to leave your site without purchasing anything. But that doesn’t mean that you give up on them; a lead is a lead after all.

Then what?

Retarget them with relevant content. Retargeting allows you to put your brand in front of people and lead them back to your site, all in a non-invasive, low-pressure environment. Plus, it boosts your conversions by 70%, according to GrowthBadger.

You can use Facebook’s Power Editor to create retargeted ads and include enticing deals and coupons in them.

5. Use Lookalike Audiences to Find New Customers

Facebook can help find new customers by using your past customers as a compass. These Lookalike Audiences resemble your existing customers in their demographics, locations, needs, and tastes. It’s safe to assume that they are more likely to be interested in your products than random people.

To build Lookalike Audiences, Facebook needs to draw on your customer insights. To quicken the process, you can use Facebook marketing tools like Sendinblue to identify your high-revenue customers. After that, simply add the tool plugins to your Facebook page and start building your Lookalike Audience.

Additionally, Facebook can also use their own algorithms, Fan pages, and conversion pixels to analyze your customers and find new customers for you.

6. Tell Your Brand Story Through Ads

Despite Facebook fast becoming a shopping platform, it still remains a platform to connect with friends and families. People still prefer to use the platform to interact with each other, rather than to shop.

What does this mean for ecommerce brands?

Brands have a golden opportunity to forge relationships with consumers, which can eventually produce monetary gains.

But how?

Through brand storytelling, of course!

If you’re able to tell your brand story in a compelling way, you can stand out from the crowd and put your human face forward. For new businesses, creating business intro videos is a great way to carve a niche among existing players. You can also champion cause marketing (like TOMS below) and foster trust.

Image via Facebook

Brand storytelling through ads needs to be done tactfully. Give a taste of your products, without sounding overly promotional.

But does this tactic actually work?

It does.

Apparently, telling your key values through a series of ads can improve your conversion rates much better than if you focus on selling through Ads. This revelation was made by a joint study by Facebook and Adaptly. In one of their case studies, they found a staggering difference of 87% in conversion rates of sequence ads and regular ads.

7. Use Custom Audiences to Strengthen Existing Customer Relationships

You can use Facebook’s “Customer Audiences” feature to reach out to existing customers and cement your relationships with them.

To identify Customer Audiences, Facebook uses the information you’ve collected about your existing customers (phone numbers, emails, etc.) and provided to Facebook. After that, this information is matched with Facebook profiles to define the target audience for your ad campaigns.

The result?

You can:

  • Retarget customers with custom deals and promotions.
  • Upsell and improve conversions.
  • Reward your brand evangelists.
  • Convert customers into fans and brand advocates.

In short, you can nurture customers and earn repeat sales, brand loyalty, and referrals with a single masterstroke.

Ready to Turbo-Charge Your Ecommerce Facebook Ads?

When done well, Facebook marketing can yield spectacular results. Apart from the tips I’ve explained above, it’s essential to stay abreast of the latest trends in Facebook advertising and use them to your advantage. This way, you can stay ahead of the competition all the time.

Do you need any more tips on social media marketing and advertising? Let me know in the comments. I’m always happy to help my readers.

