Public Upgrade Instructions

Sara Sciusco
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2023

Digitalbits Network Upgrade to Protocol v18:

Preparation Guide

The Digitalbits network is set to undergo an upgrade to Protocol Version 18. If nodes are not upgraded in time, they may fall behind and be unable to catch up with the network, effectively becoming useless. Therefore, it is essential to properly prepare your environment for this network upgrade. Here’s a step- by-step guide on how to do it:

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Download and install DigitalBits Core v1.1.0. This version includes support for Protocol v18 and introduces new features. It is backward compatible, meaning it will still work with the current network protocol. You can find the new release here: DigitalBits Core v1.1.0
  2. Upgrade Frontier to v1.1.0. If you run Frontier, ensure that you upgrade it to Frontier v1.1.0. This version has the necessary logic to work with Protocol 18. Earlier versions of Frontier lack this feature. You can download it here: Frontier v1.1.0

The following steps will complete your Frontier upgrade:

  1. Perform a database migration on Frontier. When you upgrade to Frontier v1.1.0, a database migration will be necessary. You can find detailed information about this in the documentation. The migration process should only take a few minutes. To start the migration, use the following command: frontier db migrate up
  2. Set the ingestion flag. If you run Frontier with a standalone DigitalBits Core instance (the old architecture) and wish to keep it that way, you need to set the ENABLE_CAPTIVE_CORE_INGESTION flag to false.
  3. No additional steps for Captive Core. If you’re running Frontier with Captive Core (the new architecture), no additional steps are required once you’ve upgraded DigitalBits Core and Frontier.

Upcoming Upgrade Time:

Please note that the specific time for the upgrade will be announced at a later date. Once this time is provided, validator owners who participate in the Digitalbits Intersection Group (top tier validators) will need to execute the following command, replacing the timestamp with the provided upgrade time:

digitalbits-core — conf /etc/digitalbits.cfg http-command ‘upgrades?mode=set&upgradetime=2023-06-26T14:30:00Z&protocolversion=18’

We appreciate your continued support and cooperation during this transition. For any queries or further assistance, feel free to raise an issue on our GitHub page.

The DigitalBits Core Team

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Sara Sciusco

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