TALK TO THE TEAM — April 29th, 2022

Sara Sciusco
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2022

On April 29th, 2022, the DigitalBits Foundation Managing Director, Daniele Mensi, had a great chat with the community on the official Telegram channel during the monthly “Talk to the team”.

Daniele Mensi:
Hi Guys

Welcome all to the first “Talk to the Team” session!

I am here for the next 60 minutes to answer all your questions from you.

Shortly this chat will be un-paused briefly, once the first 10 questions have been submitted here the chat will be paused again to give me time to answer. Then it will be un-paused again if some time is left. I will be extremely focused to answer, please make sure that during main questions time we kindly ask that no general discussion takes place for clarity. Thank you!

Let’s go

Q: Do you plan to implement any form of staking any time soon? Comfortably holding, but I would love to stake my XDB tokens and increase my bag that way

A: Thank you, it is indeed a great question. Staking is an interesting option if it enhances the overall liquidity. It is very good to reward long-term HOLDERS that strongly support and believe in the project. A staking-like program is expected to be announced in Q2.

Q: Any plans for getting a market maker role to fill buy/sell rows constantly? Obviously, it is required to feel a real market on the exchange. And any timeline for Beckham’s NFT collection release? Thanks

A: I assume your question is much more related to liquidity provision as a whole. There are upcoming developments that are going to improve the current situation soon.

Re Beckham NFT: Various NFTs are being developed for both Ambassadors. Further announcements will be made in the future related to their upcoming collections. These are multi-year EXCLUSIVE partnerships, therefore, you can expect an array of strategic initiatives and NFT collections to be unveiled throughout the term of these partnerships.

The keyword here is EXCLUSIVE.

Q: My question is I believe is one of the father questions begging for answers among the community, when should we expect mainnet swap, at least that’s within the power of the team unlike the tier 1 exchange and the last AMA we had with Al Burgio, he hinted probably before the end of Q1, and we haven’t heard anything much again.

A: We have a plan and a process that is coming to finalization. To facilitate the token swap, participating exchanges will need to complete the technical integration of the DigitalBits blockchain. Whilst I would like to give you all a date now, this is a coordinated process and tied to the T1 Exchange question.

Watch this space! 😉

Q: Dear Danielle, it’s remarkable to see the rollout of the DigitalBits name, especially the deployment at stadium events for the AS ROMA matches! Could we, as a community, receive smaller, sneak-peeks to such deployments? A healthy drip-feed if you will. It’s incredible to see a dozen or more DigitalBits team members in branded apparel attending a live event; it adds real-world tangibility to this otherwise digital realm, something unique amongst blockchain projects.

A: Really good suggestion, our improved communication with our community can certainly involve more sneak-peaks

Q: Any plans for tier 1 exchange and token swap soon. Thank you

A: We’ve just discussed the token swap question a moment ago.

Of course, we knew that a Tier1 exchange question would be the main question, and whilst I would love to directly answer this question, and as I just said, watch this space! 😉 I will also say that every layer 1 blockchain project aims at having the broader community interacting with its native token. This is the reason why the overall ambition is to see the native XDB token listed on EVERY T1 exchange over time.

Q: What do you think about L2 technologies? How confident are you one will be built on DigitalBits blockchain

A: L2 is needed for L1 blockchains that have some processing issues at their core. The DigitalBits blockchain is engineered to process a very high number of transactions therefore L2 is not really needed.

Q: Do we have any NFT marketplace fully integrated to DigitalBits blockchain? Thanks

A: Hyprr will be going live by mid-May 🔥

The ambassadors are working at a much higher level and it is unlikely that they would join a Telegram AMA. However, their coverage and exposure of DigitalBits will be ever-increasing over the term of our partnership.

Q: A lot of consumers still struggle to match $xdb with DigitalBits how are you planning on improving this without breaking regulations

A: I believe you are attempting to ask about token swap with this question and this topic has already been discussed. Token swaps are typically facilitated by compliance exchanges and not by the project directly.

Q: What can you tell us about DigitalBits with David Beckham in the metaverse, will we have any association in the metaverse?

A: You might have already seen that David Beckham has already filed for Metaverse patents and of course, he is an EXCLUSIVE Ambassador of DigitalBits Blockchain 😉

Q: Thanks for all the work you’ve accomplished so far at DigitalBits, my question is what is your biggest focus/priority this year — am I correct in thinking it’s product rollout?

A: Yeah, it is indeed UTILITY

Q: Are we going to see a more focused crypto marketing

A: You may have noticed the change over the last weeks driven by organic outreach. I am confident people will be hearing about DigitalBits a lot more over the coming months

Q: Where are we with the introduction of stablecoin and pos integration for the usage of stablecoins and/or xdb in the retail market like tickets sales of inter or roma, etc?

A: There are collaborations already occurring with a number of POS integrators, some of which have already been completed and POS terminals already on order for deployment in retail locations. These integrations include stablecoins and mainnet native tokens

Guys, one hour has left already…

Thank you, everybody, look forward to delivering what is being discussed here and having more exciting sessions and interactions together!

Any further questions will be more than happy to address over the next “Talk to the Team”! #StayTuned

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Sara Sciusco

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