XDB Now Available on Uniswap

Rajiv Naidoo
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2020

The XDB Foundation is pleased to announce that DigitalBits (XDB) will now be available on Uniswap. Uniswap is a popular decentralized exchange for ERC 20 tokens, and has experienced significant success alongside the recent surge in decentralized finance. On August 30, 2020, for the first time ever, Uniswap’s daily volume ($441 million) exceeded that of Coinbase Pro ($373 million). This is an extremely exciting development, considering that decentralized applications have generally lagged behind their centralized counterparts.

Contributing to the liquidity of XDB on Uniswap will be considered within the XDB Ambassador Program for rewards, so stay tuned for more details!

In addition to increasing availability of the XDB token to the community, the XDB Foundation views this as another symbolic step into decentralized finance. At the World Stablecoin Summit last week, the XDB Foundation presented the case for branded stablecoins — citing efficiencies that the emerging asset class could add to branded ecosystems, and the potential for the provision of financial services in decentralized environments.

For trading on Uniswap, you can find the XDB contract address here.

For more information on DigitalBits, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Telegram!

For more on the XDB Foundation, click here.



Rajiv Naidoo

straw hat. personal trainer. researcher. blockchain builder & enthusiast. lifter of heavy things & collector of doodads