Clicks and bricks: creating a successful omnichannel experience

Antonia Lock
News from Fixtuur
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2018

As a shopper, I like to research products online, and then head instore to see them in real life before making a purchase decision. Online I’m more likely to buy from a brand I trust, whereas instore I’m more likely to buy if I’ve made friends with the shop assistant. I also like to search on my phone whilst in a shop to ensure I’m getting a good deal. Depending on the item I’ll probably send a picture to friends or family to get their opinion. Even just for everyday purchases, I have a range of touch points with a retailer across different channels.

A modern way to shop

Of course everyone has their own unique way of shopping in the 21st Century, depending on what works for them. However, the majority of consumers are assisted or influenced by technology when they buy. Take the Vivino app which helps you choose a bottle of wine. By simply taking a photo of a wine label the app connects you to ratings, reviews, average prices and even food pairings. This type of technology enables customers to be more savvy when they shop. Retailers have to stay ahead of the digital curve to remain relevant, especially as technology, such as augmented reality, gains more mainstream traction.

Technology and bigger ticket purchases

So far, we’ve seen how technology is transforming day to day shopping but what about our approach when it comes to buying more expensive items, like a new kitchen or bathroom. Regardless of whether you’ve been dreaming about a new cottage kitchen for years or simply need to replace the bathroom in a house you’ve just purchased, the journey from inspiration to installation can take months. That time frame probably doesn’t include all the time you spent working out which retailer to use and how you’re going to pay for your dream room.

Creating a straightforward customer journey

Imagine if when you went into a kitchen store, you could virtually match the cabinets you liked with your requirements as a growing family while ensuring they’re the quality you’d hope for from a premium retailer. When you got home, rather than just explaining what you’d seen to your partner, you could bring your vision to life and move items around in real-time together.

I think even a technophobe would have to admit that beats potentially waiting weeks for a meeting and a PDF of your bathroom plan.

A happy customer equals a healthy bottom line

The retail implications of not adopting omni-channel technology are potentially huge when you consider that a savvy 21st Century customers will buy more, and more often, from those offering a streamlined customer service. Moreover, a recent study found that businesses adopting omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater customer retention year on year compared to those that don’t.

Integrating online and offline channels gives retailers the ability to tailor sales and marketing depending on the person rather than the persona. It also means that over time your marketing and sales channels become more efficient, as you know your customers’ needs, tastes and habits.

At DigitalBridge we’re building industry-leading space planning and room visualisation tools for kitchens and bathrooms powered by our award-winning computer vision and machine learning software. Find out how we could help you sell more bathrooms on our website.



Antonia Lock
News from Fixtuur

Marketing Manager at DigitalBridge — Interested in tech and always looking for engaging ways to bring our product to life.