Transforming your digital strategy with DigitalBridge

Antonia Lock
News from Fixtuur
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2018

For the purposes of this article our understanding of digital strategy is the response to the question of digital as part of an overall business strategy. This might be the broader opportunities associated with digital such as customer intelligence, service or products, or more marketing and customer-focused options such as mobile, ecommerce or social media.


We’ve seen time and again digital casualties in the retail sector (I hardly need write a list of them here). Companies that have failed to keep up with customer demand for digital options meaning they lose out to online competitors. It’s not rocket science, in our increasingly busy world customers want friction free shopping experiences whether they’re purchasing bed sheets or bathrooms.

It’s business critical in 2018 to keep the digital question front of mind when making any decision. We’re lucky at DigitalBridge that retailers we’re working with understand the need for digital in their space, and often are just looking for the best way to incorporate it into their customer journey. This is where we come in…

Photo by Markus Spiske


The current process of designing a new bathroom or kitchen is flawed; it’s painful, slow and full of friction. Consumers need to wait to arrange that gap in their diary to visit a professional at the outset or be visited at home. In addition, our research shows that 51% of people currently abandon the idea of refurbishing their home because of the “imagination gap.”

Our technology kick-starts more home renovation projects as it can be used at a time that suits the customer, on a device that suits the customer (Even on their mobile on the toilet if they so wanted!). Utilising the latest in artificial intelligence (AI) technology DigitalBridge empowers and enables people, like you or me, to design stylish living spaces that make the best use of space, while conforming to regulatory requirements. Helping retailers bring projects to life in minutes, and ultimately sell more.

Photo by rawpixel


Mobile-first and web-based always sound incredibly techie phrases. However, it just means that mobile isn’t built as an afterthought (which so often happens). It’s at the heart of our technology as we know that 21st Century customers primarily shop or browse on their mobile. Oh and there’s no need to download an app or any plugins either.

It means users, whether they’re individuals or professionals, can access projects on the go. This could be in-store, if options aren’t on display for example, as we know that 69% of consumers, if offered visualisation of several options, would buy on the spot. Also great if you want your busy partner’s input on a project. Everyone’s got time on their commute!


Understanding your customer’s tastes, needs and desires can be invaluable as a retailer. That’s why we’re building a product that will give retailers an aerial view of all projects, which will also help them segment and assist customers. This will nudge more customers along the process, remove snagging issues and reduce dropout rates.

Photo by John Schnobrich


DigitalBridge allows customers to share and collaborate with family, friends or a significant other as easily as with an installer or in-store colleagues. This is important not just as it gives customers a quick, easy and impressive way to share their designs privately or publicly, but it also helps you as a retailer build your presence and foster brand loyalty.

These are just a few of the ways we believe DigitalBridge can transform your business. If you’re interested to hear more about our software, or any of the items mentioned above please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on



Antonia Lock
News from Fixtuur

Marketing Manager at DigitalBridge — Interested in tech and always looking for engaging ways to bring our product to life.