Accelerate Your Development with DCT’s GPS Simulator for Syrus Devices

Julieta Sabao
2 min readJul 20, 2023
Photo by Joan Gamell on Unsplash

As a fleet manager or telematics developer, you need to ensure that the devices connected to your vehicles work accurately and reliably. Any flaw or performance issue in the GPS tracking system can be a costly disaster, causing unwanted delays, lost data, or worse: safety risks. However, creating the perfect testing environment can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have access to the right tools or technology.

But what if there was a way to test your devices and applications without leaving your office? What if you could create a simulated environment that emulates every aspect of real-world GPS tracking, from speeding to geofences, and from alerts to triggers? That’s where DCT’s GPS Simulator comes in — a powerful tool exclusively for Syrus devices, available through our Apex Linux software.

DCT’s GPS Simulator is available with the Apex Linux software, exclusively for Syrus devices.

With the DCT GPS Simulator, developers can take their telematics development to the next level. Gone are the days of relying solely on real-world testing. Now, you have the power to create a simulated environment that accurately emulates every aspect of GPS tracking, from speeding and geofences to triggers, alerts, and even virtual co-pilot features. Our GPS Simulator empowers you to test all of these critical functionalities and any custom configurations you’ve designed, ensuring that your applications work flawlessly in every scenario.

The Apex GPS Simulator enables you to create an accurate simulated environment that replicates GPS tracking.

Harnessing the power of our GPS Simulator is easy and efficient. By increasing and decreasing speed and even alternating the virtual vehicle’s heading direction, developers can thoroughly assess the performance and responsiveness of their applications in real-world scenarios.

By eliminating the need for extensive on-road testing, you’ll save valuable time and resources while improving the accuracy and efficiency of your development process.

To learn more about the GPS Simulator and Apex Linux software, visit our documentation or write to us at

