National Insurance Awareness Day: Protect Your Fleet and Business with DCT’s Video Telematics Solution

Julieta Sabao
3 min readJun 27, 2023

June 28th marks National Insurance Awareness Day, a special occasion dedicated to highlighting the significance of insurance and its pivotal role in safeguarding individuals and businesses. For fleet managers, insurance holds a critical position in their operations, considering the potential impact of accidents and incidents that can lead to costly claims and liabilities. Fortunately, DCT offers an exceptional video telematics solution that empowers fleet managers with a powerful tool to support insurance claims and mitigate liabilities effectively.

Convenient Access to Event Data:

DCT’s video telematics solution offers fleet managers a user-friendly platform to conveniently access and review stored event data, including valuable video footage, crucial for reinforcing insurance claims. With its intuitive interface, fleet managers can easily filter data based on time, date, and even the type of event, simplifying the process of locating necessary information. Moreover, the cloud-based storage eliminates the need for local downloads, saving valuable time and resources.

Substantiating Insurance Claims:

One of the significant advantages of DCT’s video telematics solution is its capacity to substantiate insurance claims using stored event data. In the unfortunate event of an accident, fleet managers can utilize video footage as concrete evidence to establish the sequence of events and determine fault. This not only expedites the claims process but also reduces liability and prevents fraudulent claims.

Receive real-time video alerts via third-party integrations (like Telegram).

Proactive Risk Mitigation:

In addition to supporting insurance claims, DCT’s video telematics solution proactively assists fleet managers in addressing potential issues and minimizing the risk of accidents and incidents. By utilizing the solution to monitor driver behavior and identify risky driving habits, fleet managers can take preventive measures to mitigate issues before they escalate into accidents or incidents. This not only ensures driver safety but can also result in lower insurance premiums and decreased liability.

Filter video clips by time, date, and even by type of event (Pedestrian in Danger, Harsh Braking, Lane Departures, etc).

Insights for Enhanced Operations:

DCT’s video telematics solution provides invaluable insights into fleet operations, enabling fleet managers to identify areas for improvement and optimize their operations for maximum efficiency. These improvements can lead to significant cost savings and enhanced performance, further reducing the likelihood of accidents and incidents.

On National Insurance Awareness Day, fleet managers should acknowledge the vital role insurance plays in their operations. However, with DCT’s video telematics solution, they can proactively fortify their insurance claims, mitigate liability, and enhance their overall operations. Take the opportunity to explore the wide-ranging benefits of DCT’s video telematics solution and witness how it can effectively protect your fleet and business.

