Pegasus IoT Cloud: New Custom Field Feature — 3 Ways To Save Time And Increase Efficiency

Julieta Sabao
4 min readMar 10, 2022


One of the most important aspects of operating a fleet is knowing where your vehicles are. If you operate a fleet of vehicles it can be hard to keep track of hundreds of vehicles by their names. And usually, fleet operators use the license plate numbers for everything: for identifying a vehicle on your inventory list; for communicating with customers and service centers; for calculating trip length and location; etc. Traditional tracking systems will only allow you to search by the name of the vehicle, but that won’t always help in real-life scenarios.

Photo by Zach Vessels on Unsplash

If two cars have the same name, how will you know which one you’re looking for? With the release of the new Custom Fields feature in the Pegasus IoT Cloud, you are now able to localize vehicles using can identifiers that make sense and are relevant to you.

So let’s say instead of using their license plate number, you have them enter the color of the vehicle? You would now be able to see all vehicles with that specific color and take action on them.

You could input information like driver’s license number, vehicle insurance policy numbers, last or next vehicle service dates, or even put in an order number that tells you what company it belongs to. Whatever information is relevant to your business needs can be saved with custom properties and then later searched through. Custom fields are also available throughout Pegasus in alerts, reports, and geofences.

Below are three ways how to use the Custom Field feature to make your life easier.

Filter in tracking by custom field

When car rental companies have a lot of vehicles, keeping track of them can be a challenge. Custom field searching can help. With the capability to add custom fields in the vehicle’s properties, you can now save information such as the order number of each vehicle to a custom field and then search for them later in the tracking application’s search bar.

When the organization data is downloaded from the Organization Module, all custom fields are shown in a table called ‘vehicles’. Fleet managers can give their users access to the Organization section and allow them to enter their own information using the groups scopes.

Speed limit property for geofences

It’s easy to set a speed-limit value in a geofence. Using the map, you can draw a linear or circular geofence, and then assign it a speed limit. Admins can see which vehicles have passed that speed limit using reports, such as the ‘activity details’ report or the ‘speeding durations’ report.

This can help fleet managers ensure their drivers are abiding by local laws, or if there are repeat offenders, it can help with enforcement.

Custom properties in Alerts & Reports

Alerts and Reports can also be customized with personalized properties. Custom fields can be used in the body of an alert message. For example, if you want to know every time a truck arrives at or leaves a certain location, you can add that information such as the DOT number, carrier name, code, etc. to an alert.

You can also use custom fields in reports to view specific information in an easy-to-read format.

For more information, please contact us directly.

