I wanted to be a Rockstar

Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2021

When you are young, you have all sorts of weird dreams. For me, one of hobbies was music. Infact, I thought I was going to be some sort of rock-star. I was a kid interested in physics and also interested in music. I think as a savant, we can all guess which skill I actually had.

The dream was obviously short lived. I then thought of classical music and being a violist. I bought an electric violin from eBay, it looked cheap, so I returned it and bought a “real violin”. Part of me was mesmerized by the musical works of people like Michael Cleveland. However, my skills were that of somebody not knowing that you need to put rosin on your bow to play.

Needless to say, I didn’t pursue music. Outside of the cringe that followed wanting to have musical talent, this has all changed. Technology is playing a role in turning people into somewhat talented musicians. The discovery of digital music and a recent spark of passion, made me take a second chance at self deprecating myself.

I have created an indie music label known as The NonVisibles. Recently, I decided to release an experimental Avant-Garde Atonal album inspired by my taste in classical music. The album is called Life.

The album is also on various places like Spotify, Pandora, and Amazon Music. Outside of running Stark Drones, working on St. George the Iron Soldier, programming and the various other projects I do, I think music is a newly found spark of passion. I actually liked the work I put out, and may start doing more with this album as well as working on experimental music soon. I may even start publishing some sheet music, who knows?



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite