How to get better CPM banner ads

Digital Devnet
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2017

Do you get an average of 3,000 pageviews a day for CPM banner Ads with Adsense, Yahoo/Bing Ads, Amazon CPM, and Chitika?

Why CPM Banner Ads?

You are interested like many other people like me to learn about advertising and Adsense.

Well, Website publishers like CPM advertising because they get paid for simply displaying the ads. However, because CPM rates tend to be very low — the $2.00 rate mentioned above is fairly standard — a website needs robust traffic to make decent money from CPM ads.
There are ads which pay you for clicks, and ones that pay you for actual purchases. There are ads which pay you for number of videos played, and there are even ads which reward you for successful email collection from the visitor.

Focus on the user experience, and optimal ad placement. Too many adverts will kill the user experience and act as a red flag to new users, resulting in them not returning to your blog or website. In order to make decent money from CPM ads you need hundreds of thousands of visitors. The best way is to use affiliate marketing and promote products/services that your readers will found useful. You’ll probably have a better chance of earning through affiliate links. You can use Commission Junction, ShareASale, Amazon Affiliates, ClickBank and so on.

What is CPM?

Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00 CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad.
Cost per impression is derived from advertising cost and the number of impressions.
Cost per impression ($) = Advertising cost ($) / Number of Impressions (#)

For example, an advertisement that receives two clicks for every 100 impressions has a CTR of 2%. An advertisement’s success cannot be measured by CTR alone because an ad that is viewed but not clicked on may still have an impact.

Pageviews Vs Impressions
Impressions = Number of times an ad is displayed on a user’s screen
Pageviews = Number of times any page has been displayed on a user’s screen
Impressions ≠ Pageviews

If the advertiser buys a one-week ad on a blog that serves 10,000 pageviews a week, it is likely that this blog will also receive about 10,000 impressions. It is possible for the number of ad impressions to differ from the number of visitors to the website where the ad is displayed.

For example, an ad might receive placement in two locations on a website, such as a horizontal banner across the top of the page and a vertical side banner alongside the page’s text. In this scenario, the advertiser pays for two impressions per pageview.


The CPM is also the bit close to the RPM which is termed as Revenue per thousand. Fundamentally it’s the calculation of how much money you made per 1000 visitors. It’s calculated based on your traffic, CTR (click-through-rate), and CPC (cost per click). The average RPM I’ve experienced with Adsense is about $5 to $10 for broad niches and up to $100 for more competitive niches with high CPC.

If you’re able to know your RPM, you can precisely estimate earnings potentials for superior traffic numbers, as well as the amount of traffic you’ll need to make a full-time income.
For instance, if you’re making an average $10 RPM from one of your websites, that’s $10 for every 1000 visitors on your site.

Key Takeaways
1) Produce great content for an underserved niche that really needs serving.
2) Add Google Adsense’s four ad positions.
3) Get known and attract at least 2,500,000 too 10,000,000 page views per month.
4) Capture email addresses and start an email list and sell your product (ebook, course etc).
5) Explore affiliate programs to link products mentioned to stores like Amazon.

Related Links

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