(Un)Mute Yourself, Day 25

Luke 1:48 …for he has been mitigating risk to the humble state of his servant.

Jason Chesnut
1 min readDec 23, 2020


I’ve never really considered myself much of a meditative Christian. There is, however, one thing I do that makes me feel closest to what I imagine it’s like to be a meditative person: learning bible stories by heart.

Spending time with the millennia-old script from Holy Scripture, letting its surprising, profound, sometimes even weird words marinate in my body and brain –– that’s what often calms my soul.

The Gospel of Luke (1:39–55)

This is a moment in history when we are called upon to mitigate risks to our neighbor, to take steps ourselves to reduce the adverse effects of, well, everything. But especially the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s clear that we in the United States aren’t doing so well at that.

The actions of God, as sung by Mary our mother in Luke’s prologue, speak to a different world: one in which the hungry are fed and those at the front line (and most at-risk from the coronavirus) are vaccinated.

May it be so.



Jason Chesnut

| jesus-follower | anti-racist | feminist | aspiring theologian | ordained pastor (not online) | restless creative | #BlackLivesMatter